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Demoman  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Turkey turkuaz

Posted: | Last Online:

Fixed my internet problems, used to use wireless but now cable internet (that means no spikes anymore)

been playing d4 on 2 seasons as officals and i have been playing d3 as mixes and doing good job there , so d3 and a main spot prefered, feel free to add me .

about me
i want to practice lots and i can play other games and shit talk in mumble
can play 5-6 days in a week
i have a good dm-calls
i have gamesense enough
i want to play on a team which wants to talk about tactics though
can maincall but dont really want to maincal that much , if needed , ill do
playing dm-jump maps-pickups-mixes-hl-mvm(if it counts lol) and watching streams demos nearly everyday

thats it

note: idk why but my post dead , so a new one

# im not saying im top d3 or i can play easily but with a good team , with much practice i think i can handle it . just i need to be conrolling my agression on matches more . otherwise i think i can handle d3 .

#and about my agression, i didnt play with a stable team last 2 seasons , so i just could improve my dm , couldnt work out with my gamesense , but on idk sad men season 14 i used play serious and overgamesensed . i was playing d3 really nice on season 14 . so if i can find a stable team, i can play d3

I want to play 4-5 days at least on a week

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:87660643 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Placeholdername [Highlander] anni
Joined Placeholdername [Highlander] anni
Left titSkafe [Highlander] turkuaz
Joined titSkafe [Highlander] Ace
Joined Super Dickmanns LEGENDS! [6v6 Fun Team] anni
Left The DugongSuperSquad [6v6 Fun Team] turkuaz
Left Turkiye [National Highlander Team] turkuaz
Joined The DugongSuperSquad [6v6 Fun Team] blooztah
Left 20$yl Remix [6v6] turkuaz
Joined 20$yl Remix [6v6] Tuto
Left Mad? [Highlander] turkuaz
Left HELP HELPERS [6v6] h3x
Left Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] turkuaz
Joined Turkiye [National 6v6 Team] h3x
Joined Turkiye [National Highlander Team] inferius
Joined HELP HELPERS [6v6] Konna
Joined Mad? [Highlander] Billy
Left hoodbros [6v6] turkuaz
Left Yes Future [Highlander] turkuaz
Joined hoodbros [6v6] rytis
Left UCAP eSports [6v6] turkuaz
Joined Yes Future [Highlander] Hajdzik
Left Voodooh [Highlander] anni
Joined UCAP eSports [6v6] Lokter
Left Elites Alliance [6v6] turkuaz
Joined Elites Alliance [6v6] miu drops
Left Sad Men [6v6] turkuaz
Joined Voodooh [Highlander] Jedi(fla)master
Left The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] turkuaz
Left Turkiye [National Highlander Team] inferius
Joined Sad Men [6v6] turkuaz
Left Addict e-Sports // Turquoise [6v6] turkuaz
Joined The Dugong SuperSquad [Highlander] turkuaz
Joined Addict e-Sports // Turquoise [6v6] turkuaz
Left Deathline HL [Highlander] inferius
Left no name yet [6v6] turkuaz
Joined no name yet [6v6] turkuaz
Joined Turkiye [National Highlander Team] turkuaz
Left Sad Men [6v6] turkuaz
Joined Deathline HL [Highlander] turkuaz
Left This I Love [Highlander] turkuaz
Joined Sad Men [6v6] turkuaz
Joined little turku [1v1] turkuaz
Left Sad Men [6v6] turkuaz
Joined turkuaz cant strafe [2v2] turkuaz
Left we smoke a lot [2v2] turkuaz
Joined we smoke a lot [2v2] turkuaz
Joined This I Love [Highlander] turkuaz
Joined Sad Men [6v6] turkuaz

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 2 4 400
View Div 2 33 1027
View Div 4 0 292
View Div 2 8 462
View Div 3 10 621
View Div 3 40 1624
View Div 2/Div 3 5 519
View Div 3/Div 4 7 445
View Div 3 26 1022
View Div 3 25 783
View Div 3/Div 4 8 400
View Div 3/Div 4 13 521
View Div 4 15 809
View Div 4/Div 5 12 559
View Div 4/Div 5 6 327


  1. Phnx: L_? said:

    is this serious?
    I played a pickup vs you today and you barerly showed up on middle and went super agressive and died maybe 2-3 middles as an easy pick which wouldn’t happen if you wouldn’t cross the middle to the other side to be picked.
    your gamesense has to improve since you pretty much over extend to death A LOT and play far from the combo being confident that you will control everything alone while the truth is a semi decent scout is enough to kill you.

  2. Phnx: L_? said:

    on the other hand it was only one pickup and you might not take it seriously, and I can be easily proved other wise, either way good luck on your search.

  3. Griffin said:

    Well Phoenix, so you think you can give criticism a person that you played with on pickup? lol.. pickups are just for fun man. Nvm…

    Pick him up. GL turkuaz (He is a keen player and good demoman with good dm/sense and I think he deserves a chance for d3 for sure.)

  4. turkuaz said:

    are you serious phoenix ? you still believing in pickups that shows dm and gamesense , cuz i never play it serious i just try to improve my bombs and about rollouts i didnt play this 1,5 weeks due to my exams and that pickup was the first match i played after that 1,5 week . i showed lots of ppl that my rollouts strong on process and other maps . just go keep playing your game , im not saying im not able to take criticism but when its just on pickup no thanks and when i wasnt caring it at all , no thanks

  5. turkuaz said:

    thanks for it by the way , thats only pickup and i never care it

  6. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    played 3-4 time with him. Not sure if he can REALLY handle d3. gl

  7. Avogadro: урот - -bb- said:

    dont think about div 3

  8. clip: ist doof said:

    rather div 4

  9. turkuaz said:

    k thanks guys , changed it with d3-4 now. gonna try my chance on it 1 more

  10. ulter: MK lowu - {PaPs} said:

    lol turkuaz get criticism from the ones who never played div4 before expect avogadro :X

  11. turkuaz said:

    bump (1)

  12. ekkelund: sirkkels said:

    he said that i’m a good demo +rep

  13. miu drops said:

    go away haters, he is a real good solid demo, accurate stickies and can do some air-pipes with good calls as well, also a nice and easy going guy, no problem at all when I was healing him when we were playing division 4, can reach division 3 i believe! Pick him up before it’s too late :)

  14. turkuaz said:

    can play anyday from now , add me for trials guys plzz ,

  15. Bery: Seizs - LoL said:

    turkuaz,chat me when ull can

  16. Verse: 4SKINGS - bobs said:

    Strong demo, communicative and level-headed.
    Can play on a d3 level for sure.

    Good luck!

  17. Snooki: VDOH said:

    Good demo. d3 fo’ sure. gl mate!

  18. Wulf: GOALstar said:

    from what I’ve seen and heared he is a great demolition man

  19. turkuaz said:

    hey my little bump

  20. ScrollLock. said:

    Good Good Player

  21. turkuaz said:


  22. FonexiA said:

    Friendly bump, pick him up already.

  23. turkuaz said:


  24. turkuaz said:


  25. Bery: Seizs - LoL said:

    rly amazing demoman with his pipes and with his play style,its true he is agressive,but he will start controlling it if he will get a good team,pick him in stable d3 team with perspective or get him in d4 top team,u wont regret,he will practice much :)

  26. turkuaz said:

    self bump, ty bro

  27. gouldie said:

    great demo will destroy div 4 and could easily go div 3 with the right team

  28. turkuaz said:

    bump it


  29. Max: Fusion said:

    He is so honorable, he fights for the key, then doesnt accept the key! Such honorable person

    Anyway, DM is 2gud, gamesense can improve but not a weak side, give him a chance and he will show you how much of an rapist he is.

  30. Max: Fusion said:

    Oh and one more thing: He is rusty, he may start as a bit off a weak demo but his performance will explode like krit stickies trust me.

  31. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    well.. turkuaz might be a d4 demoman but not sure if he can handle d3TOP.i really really dont give a fuck about the levels you play, i care about personallities actually.Turkuaz is a guy who thinks that he is better then all.You have to fix that ego thingy beacuse this wont go like this.IMO you are the guy “GAME>FRIENDS/REALLIFE”.Beacuse of i didnt got you in my team you started winning&some and telling that team was shit.Fix your ego&your personaility.

  32. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    i guess a problem happened so that i will repost this ; well.. turkuaz might be a d4 demoman but not sure if he can handle d3TOP.i really really dont give a fuck about the levels you play, i care about personallities actually.Turkuaz is a guy who thinks that he is better then all.You have to fix that ego thingy beacuse this wont go like this.IMO you are the guy “GAME>FRIENDS/REALLIFE”.Beacuse of i didnt got you in my team you started winning&some and telling that team was shit.Fix your ego&your personaility.

  33. marez: vc - 9 ☆ said:

    cant even do the process rollout properly -rep(bump)

  34. marez: vc - 9 ☆ said:

    no really hes a good demo would reccomend keen and shit get him a good team

  35. turkuaz said:

    well yeah , im a bit rusty cuz i didnt play properly 6s like 1 month or so . and the things you are doing on middle more important than your rollouts , but if i start playing properly 6s , i would get my fast rollouts back ofc . ty for criticize , ill work on it

  36. ViaSidaa said:

    Really good demo, pick him up!

  37. turkuaz said:

    bump , and thanks