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Scout  Open/Mid Skill, Highlander

Poland Tupley

Posted: | Last Online:

Well… I've played TF2 for a long time now. Only recently I've started to play on tf2center and I find 9vs9 really entertaining. I can use my microphone for quick callouts if I have to but I already have some useful binds to warn my team quickly. Scooter isn't really that useful on highlander so if you're just looking for someone to fill your team and cover your enemies in milk then you can contact me.

i'm doing this for the medals ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:87054653 Add Friend

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Left mau5clanHL [Highlander] Tupley
Left we dont even play tf2 [6v6] corben
Joined we dont even play tf2 [6v6] corben
Joined mau5clanHL [Highlander] corben

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  1. corben: PISTONS said:


  2. wonder said:

    co kurwa