ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Demoman  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedStates Tub Guy United

Posted by xlens: | Last Online:

3-2 people who are used the the game and skilled i have not played comp but i am equal if not better then my comp friends i have 2 people in my team composed already and more thinking about it i need 2-3 just to make sure if they decline i have someone skilled and ready to play.

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  1. mike24608 said:

    Hi im a us roamer soldier can i join? I have a tight schedule so i wont be able to make most of the games

  2. Neutral_Alien said:

    still need a roamer?

  3. Lytigas said:

    So many roamers, but I would also like to play roamer. 500+ hours in tf2. 100+ as soldier. I’ve played 50+ lobbies, but now I mostly play PUGS with players with experience in divisons such as ESEA open, and UGC silver and gold. I have a fairly open schedule.

  4. Awsomebash said:

    If you are still looking, I can play any class you have available. I have 1700+ hours on tf2, and 70+ lobbies played. I also am looking to join the arcamidies cup. I have an open schedule on weekends and half the time on week days. Please consider.

  5. djherny: [WayToTheVic] said:

    Can i join please? i am really good at playing tf2

  6. Julian said:

    Hello im just new in comp, but not in tf2 i have 762 hours in tf2, and i just dont play engi
    so yeah

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