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ScoutSniper  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Zero

Posted: | Last Online:

18 years old, from England.
Im a very new player to TF2 and so new to ETF2L but i have learnt a lot from experienced players and i have played many mixes within the group IDK/Ne 6v6 Newbie Mix.
I know roll outs for badlands, granary and gullywash_pro. If needed i can learn rollouts for other maps quickly as i am a quick learner. Also i have spectated and watched sourcetv with experienced players in mixes so i can learn more things about the scouts roll in the 6v6 matches.
I am basically on Steam every day of the week so im very active player. I can play tf2 everyday of the week but times will vary as i do have a girlfriend, as you can see i am honest player. I can be flexible though as she does know about this so give days that you are training/playing TF2 and im sure we can work something out.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:86039007 Add Friend

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  1. Zealos said:

    Was mean to me in a double mix :(
    Great guy though, tonnes of potential :D

  2. totalrich said:

    lies i was never mean! :D

  3. Krazko: IDK said:

    has a bad habbit og hiding behind corners and sneaking up on innocent scouts!
    great guy though!

  4. Tidal: BUNCS said:

    Added you on steam, we are looking for a few players to get ready for S10 after just having a few core members mixing for a while now.