ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Open/Mid Skill, 6v6

Poland Thunv

Posted: | Last Online:

lf stable team, high open/mid pocket/roamer, willing to do something this season


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:135134434 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left sniper gang [6v6] Thunv
Joined sniper gang [6v6] corben
Left Doctah peppah 6s [6v6] Thunv
Joined Doctah peppah 6s [6v6] crazy
Left Goat Division [6v6] Thunv
Joined Goat Division [6v6] bezkolanowiec
Left Paraolimpiada [6v6 Fun Team] Thunv
Left sniper gang [6v6] Thunv
Left ledsna pojkar [2v2] Thunv
Joined sniper gang [6v6] corben
Left Busca Mandorle [6v6] Zenik
Joined Busca Mandorle [6v6] Zenik
Joined Paraolimpiada [6v6 Fun Team] corben
Left sniper gang [6v6] Thunv
Joined ledsna pojkar [2v2] corben
Joined sniper gang [6v6] corben
Left Wariaty [6v6 Fun Team] Thunv
Left Brazzers eSports [6v6] Thunv
Joined Brazzers eSports [6v6] Akwilon
Left sniper gang [6v6] Thunv
Left Spina- eSports [2v2] smky
Joined sniper gang [6v6] corben
Left people [6v6] Thunv
Joined Wariaty [6v6 Fun Team] corben
Joined people [6v6] Thunv
Left The Mandarins [6v6] Thunv
Joined The Mandarins [6v6] AssassiM
Left The Mandarins [6v6] AssassiM
Joined Spina- eSports [2v2] smky
Joined The Mandarins [6v6] AssassiM
Left we dont even play tf2 [6v6] Thunv
Left Tricky Team [Highlander] Thunv
Joined Tricky Team [Highlander] smky
Joined we dont even play tf2 [6v6] corben
Left Addicted to heroin [6v6] Thunv
Joined Addicted to heroin [6v6] DarkMeow

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 5 14 556
View Div 5 2 492
View Div 5/Div 6 3 424
View Div 5/Div 6 0 305


  1. Thunv said:


  2. smky said:

    not even open player, he behaves as genius, but he can’t even talk with anyone normaly. trying to improve for 2 years and still on the same level. laughing about claymore skill but he has nothing to present. if you want to have good players its not good pick.

  3. smky said:

    ^ sorry polaku, ale taka jest prawda, i to że od swoich braci się odwróciłeś i zostawiłeś corbina to już totalnie cie dyskwalifikuje.

  4. wonszu said:

    Minxy you’re hilarious xDDDD

  5. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    ktos tu sie umowil na kebsa i nie przyszedł

  6. Glamhoth said:

    Polskie dramy, niezmienne od 2 lat!

  7. Thunv said:

    well minxy is right, and yup, im specific person, ty all for bumping :-)

  8. corben: PISTONS said:

    Even if he is sometimes retarded i still respect him like a brother, Thunv my nigga

    pamiętaj że FNATEC powróci

  9. Thunv said:

    FNATEC na zawsze w moim sercu, czy to w tf2 czy to w sapera, powróci!

  10. Thunv said:
