ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Low/Open Skill, 6v6

TheIsleOfMan THUG PRO.

Posted by dx: | Last Online:

POCKET please

we are totes #desperate #wehaveafemboyintheteam #wonttellyouwho #youcanhavehim #demomann #fertile

certified low team check the low store we are right there

we need a GOOD autistic person to smack the cowbell in our band; can be upgraded to triangle later;
NEEDS to have great rhythm and be physically fit (to smack the cowbell HARD) #realsmacker #represent #dangerous #compton #boston #capetown #grimsby #lincolnshire

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  1. Senko said:

    hello let me sphe oke oke?

  2. Alex: THUGPRO - BIRD said:

    need someone who can #thug it out

  3. mika said:

    leader drags the team down and just doesn’t give a shit in general, total waste of time clown team grow up

  4. dx: THUGPRO - $$$ said:


  5. Teratoid: THUGPRO - $$$ said:

    please join team I will scream and scream

  6. mika said:

    i redact my previous statement partially they are a cool bunch of people

  7. Alex: THUGPRO - BIRD said:

    what a redemption arc