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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Mid/Low Skill, 6v6

TheIsleOfMan THUG PRO.

Posted by dx: | Last Online:

subscribers-only mode

Must strike like a Dragon be as graceful as a Butterfly and as peaceful as a Panda.

"In the midst of a midfight, there is also opportunity to sacc for the med." – Mao Zedong

"Victorious warriors win the Last Hold and then push to fight Mid again, while defeated warriors go to Mid First and then seek to capture Last." – Sun Tzu

"It is of great dificulty to catch the roaming warrior in kitchen especially when he is in saw." – Ghinggis Kahn

"Medic who use uber in time will be blessed with mountain of gold and silver." -Sun Tzu

"Those who ignore the maincall will be cursed with the feet of chicken" -Ancient Chinese Proverb

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  1. tw4tter: THUGPRO - 256 said:

    Chinese Respect.

  2. let's create art: Upsilon - HV said:


  3. tw4tter: THUGPRO - 256 said:

    Suitable for intermediate level, will go a long way

  4. 197: Yakuza - 256 said:


  5. tw4tter: THUGPRO - 256 said:


  6. dx: THUGPRO - $$$ said:

    if it wasnt clear you know likke you know if it you know like you know you know it wasnt you know clear know you know know know what im sayin

  7. let's create art: Upsilon - HV said:

    team full of +rep people

  8. Teratoid: THUGPRO - $$$ said:

    Treat your soldiers as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley – Sun Tzu

  9. Kafri said:

    super skibidi team, they chose me to deliver the good news. i hope you get big frags in this team 😎

  10. 197: Yakuza - 256 said:

    Someone save them from having 197 and sinai please 😭

  11. dx: THUGPRO - $$$ said:

    subscriptions only

  12. dx: THUGPRO - $$$ said:

    john — Today at 11:25
    all thugs have a 40% less chance of climbing div due to bad rep

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