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ScoutSoldier  Prem/High Skill, 6v6

Seychelles Third Eye

Posted by Collaide: | Last Online:

Need a pocket or scout with good calls.

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  1. Doughy: SKΣDDA - BRIT said:


  2. Raelyn said:

    21:58 – Collaide PCW: Thanks for showing interest but I have to decline
    21:58 – Raelyn: Shame, thought you’d be more open. Oh well.
    21:59 – Collaide PCW: Are you trolling me rn?
    21:59 – Raelyn: No, not really.
    21:59 – Raelyn: I’m very confident in myself.
    21:59 – Raelyn: I can hang with top scouts for sure.
    21:59 – Collaide PCW: ok so you are
    22:00 – Raelyn: are what
    22:00 – Collaide PCW: ur either wasting my time with trolling me or you’re acting like an idiot
    22:00 – Raelyn: I’m not salty or trolling or anything, I’m just a bit deflated
    22:00 – Collaide PCW: i’m not sure which is worse

    I think it’s fair to deny trialing me cuz I haven’t officially played high before, but I’m not sure why you’re being rude. Gl.

  3. Doughy: SKΣDDA - BRIT said:

    I had no idea that happened btw

  4. Collaide said:

    22:54 – Collaide PCW: looking for more experienced players sadly
    22:55 – Raelyn: Uhh I’m pretty experienced.
    22:55 – Collaide PCW: And as far as I’m aware you don’t really have any on scout
    22:55 – Raelyn: I have a shit load on scout.
    22:55 – Raelyn: Ask koling if you like.
    22:56 – Collaide PCW: You haven’t played a single official in high
    22:56 – Raelyn: No because my high teams die so I just chill in mid with mates.

  5. Raelyn said:

    You reserve your right to deny me. I personally think I am capable and some of the people on your roster would maybe agree, but it’s completely understandable you wouldn’t want to try. But I don’t understand where you get off being rude once I express a bit of disappointment, assuming I’m trolling you or wasting your time.

    You could stand to be a lot more professional and amicable.

  6. Ignis: MAFIA said:


  7. Collaide said:

    Because replying “Shame, thought you’d be more open. Oh well.” to a trial denial is professional and amicable

  8. Raelyn said:

    How isn’t it? I’m just expressing disappointment, nothing more. Is there some double meaning you’re interpreting that I’m not aware of? It is objectively a shame for me that you weren’t willing to trial me, and I was hoping you’d be open to giving me a go. But oh well, I understand why you didn’t. I don’t know in what universe you think that’s offensive somehow, but it seems you’ve done me a favor denying me. Having a team leader this insecure would be a YIKES. Best of luck.

  9. Collaide said:

    do you write messages like that unironically

  10. Doughy: SKΣDDA - BRIT said:


    Just enjoy the scotch eggs.

  11. WML said:

    Typical spy mains, getting involved in drama -.-

  12. nagle: ..d1ck - pog said:

    https://www.powerofpositivity.com/3-ways-to-cleanse-your-aura-of-negative-energy/ @everyone

  13. samii: myx - SUCK said:

    I think we should not be ? and we should be ?

  14. yak said:

    I think what happened here is that collaide is from the third world and didn’t realise Raelyn meant “open to trialling me” but because he is a thirdie he didnt understand the TRUE MEANING of Raelyn’s message and thought he was saying it was an open team :)

    brexit means brexit

  15. Vouri said:


  16. Collaide said:


  17. Jordy: SKΣDDA said:

    what yak said

  18. TBE pez: SUAVY - ; said:

    i can carry u like i did in the past

  19. koling_pendejo: REMOVE - E.T.s said:

    like u ever carried anyone above open LUL

  20. Collaide said:

    Hoppin out the wraith