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Soldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Croatia Fuze

Posted: | Last Online:

Ok il go straight to the point.Im an Croatian soldier with a lot of 6v6 exp i was also in season 11 for a brief time.Im a good player willing to improve,im VERY active i play every day and in the last clan i was in i didnt miss even 1 practice and we had them every day so yea :).
I speak fluid english i expect you to have mumble and a server and serious play,also will to improve.Hope you are interested in me if you are feel free to add me on steam Ty for reading ^^.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:87892293 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined EZ [6v6] ISpotnikz
Joined Guru training with Yoda [Highlander] Fuze
Left Illegal Animals [Highlander] Fuze
Left Excess of Gunboats [6v6] skyro
Joined Excess of Gunboats [6v6] Fuze
Joined Illegal Animals [Highlander] Fuze
Left Illegal Animals [Highlander] Fuze
Joined Illegal Animals [Highlander] Fuze
Left Illegal Animals [Highlander] Fuze
Joined Illegal Animals [Highlander] Fuze
Left Illegal Animals [Highlander] Fuze
Joined Illegal Animals [Highlander] Fuze

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  1. JacquesLEB: hi im dog said:

    Played with him, he’s a good solly and has decent game sense, you should pick him up.

  2. `filu said:

    http://etf2l.org/recruitment/118993/ add me if u want