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DemomanEngineerMedicSoldier  Mid/Open Skill, Fresh Meat

UnitedStates themonkifier

Posted: | Last Online:

I am looking for a fresh meat challenge team.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:222498535 Add Friend

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Left NoYo Tech [6v6 Fun Team] themonkifier
Joined NoYo Tech [6v6 Fun Team] GDEabarod

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  1. ThatOneScout said:

    Hello! I main scout and I think I could be a great addition to the team, I can use mad milk if needed and can get good frags with the scattergun, I obviously use Boston Basher/Three Rune Blade to build uber or Drop health. I am good with helping a struggling team mate fighting an enemy, by jumping over there and give and fight them off. I can rush out to get quick kills fast. I hope I get added to the team, and good luck on the comp!

  2. ThatOneScout said:

    Also, as a backup I can play Soldier and can get occasional airshots or demo in which I can get good grenade kills. I wouldn’t be so good as medic but every once in a while, I can go sniper if the team needs the help.

  3. Divine: (ETF2L Donator) - Wiki said:

    Themonkifier is LOOKING for a team, if you are searching for a team either post a req post yourself or go to the recruitment page and go to the “Teams” section and look for 6v6 + open.

    Good luck!

  4. Martintechnologies said:

    I main medic, but jump between soldier or heavy when needed.
    I would LOVE to join your team!


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