ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedStates The Gang Ranch

Posted by Geory: | Last Online:

Looking for decently skilled players (For Div 6), preferably English speaking. Any class works, but we prefer the standard layout. (Medic, 2x Scout, 2x Soldier, Demoman)
Add me on steam if I don't respond to your comment within 2-3 days, my steam name is the same as on here.

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  1. burn said:

    hello im intristed in your team, my best class is scout :) thank you and GL (adding to talk)

  2. Dexter said:

    Im interested in Your team i main Soilder and Demo! Thank you for reading! GL!

  3. fr3fou said:

    Hey,i would like to join your team, i main roamer:D thanks for reading :D

  4. G-Dawg: vB. said:

    hi, im intersted in your team, i play mainly Scout! Thank you for rading and GL

  5. Undercooked: TeamPollos said:

    hey mate, interested in joining, completely main soldier

  6. Bradlis: disgrace said:

    Interested in playing pocket message me on steam

  7. Heptagon: ARTL said:

    Hey, ima scout, add meh on steam, approaching 400 hours BUT I’m english so timing might be hard..

  8. The Danger said:

    Interested in doing a trial as scout, I prefer main but will sub if there aren’t open positions.

  9. Khodias: SC1_ - DєX said:

    Interested in team, not done competitive before i main medic, dont mind being main or sub.

  10. jom154 said:

    hey i’m interested on joining your team as roamer a watch the flanks and protect very well i’m portuguese vut i can speak english very well.
    take care!

  11. ult1mate said:

    Hello there fine sir,I am interested in joining your team as a medic.I am fairly skilled(or so I have been told) and have been looking to play for a long while now I can speak English fluently and understand how medic works.Thank you for your time and good luck.

  12. Nekki said:

    Good evening, Im a soldier main, ive never been in a comp play, etcetc, but ive been invited into an iron group before, and he actually said i shouldnt be there, and i should be in steel. However, if youd like, message me on steam, Nekkito-

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