ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


EngineerHeavy  Div 5 Skill, Highlander

Denmark The Complete Bankers

Posted by looseyleftie: | Last Online:

Hello there,

The Complete Bankers are a team forming in advance of ETF2l HL Season 7 (and possibly UGC S14), in which we plan to compete at a Div 5 level. The team's been created by myself and ~Raven; we played together for 9 months on PaPs, which I led, before I took a break. ~Raven then led them through Div 5 for a season), before they stopped playing because of roster issues and fatigue.

We need to recruit mains for Engie and Heavy, and some multi-class subs to help us out. We'll trial people as soon as we can, so we can start properly assembling the team's roster.

What we ask of you:

-That you speak English
-That you are consistently punctual and available for matches and scrims
-That you're mature (no bigotry, bigoted language or unnecessary rage)
-That you have previous competitive experience
-That you're competitive- interested in and willing to improve individually and as a team

This team was made to get better and climb divs, while staying friendly and keeping together for at least a few seasons. We're excited about playing and improving, and we hope you are too.

If you're interested, add Macroverb or ~Raven on Steam to discuss what you'd like to play, and we'll try to trial you as soon as possible.


Team Profile

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High/Mid 3 381
View High/Mid 7 504
View Open 0 158
View High/Mid 10 844
View High/Mid 25 1593
View High 12 862
View Mid/High 7 790
View Mid/High 15 1190
View Mid/High 11 886
View Mid/High 0 220
View Mid 6 459
View Mid/High 4 507
View Mid/High 5 874
View Mid/High 14 1027
View Div 4 0 259
View Div 4 4 667
View Div 4/Div 5 0 311


  1. Bonhart: RUN! said:

  2. C4Clive said:

    I am only here for The Complete Bankers song.

  3. I'm Thinkin Sushi: back to said:

    I am interested in maining a Soldier or Medic. I have 1000+ hours, most with Soldier, and have had some competitive experience in lobbies and would like to expand.

  4. Woona: 11/9 - L9 said:

    Hi, I am interested in being your heavy main. I have previous experience in comp (UGC, HLO) and I want to improve with a strong team. I only have 700 hours of TF2 but I am willing to learn and improve.

  5. proky: G - MM25 said:

    I can main sniper, I have comp experience although I only have 700 hours I am looking to gain more experience and improve my game

  6. Solid.G3n'a said:

    I could play as spy or demoman. Feel free to invite me in your team.

  7. Funs said:

    Hey, I’m interested in either playing Scout or Soldier main. I already play Division 5 Scout 6v6, and I’ve had experience playing Highlander Soldier in the past. I played a bit of Div 6 Highlander Solly, but it was just too messy and un-coordinated. I have almost 1400 hours, (but surely hours don’t really matter :D)


  8. looseyleftie: A Dillion said:

    Bump- still need to trial a pyro, and positions are open for all classes but sniper and demo. Just add me.

  9. looseyleftie: A Dillion said:

    Also engie and scout- we have no-one lined up right now to trial as those classes.

  10. Phenziox said:

    I’d love to play scout!

  11. Bliz said:

    Hi I’m Bliz. I main Pyro but can also play Soldier, I’d be looking for the Pyro position first off though. I have no comp experience whatsoever but everyones got to start somewhere right? Anyway I have about 480+ hours most of it as pyro so I’m pretty familiar with the class and can play it pretty well. Im looking for a start in the comp world of TF2 and I’d love if you guys would have me. Thank you for your time. feel free to mail me via steam.

  12. CoqRouge: MagNoren said:

    Looking for a spy/scout spot :)

  13. looseyleftie: A Dillion said:

    Bump: Still looking for engies and heavies to trial.

  14. Jacko720: PitO. said:

    Hey, my name’s Jacko720. I’m an Engineer from the UK.

    I’m looking for a Steel team as I found Iron really easy. Steel shouldn’t be a challenge to me and I will be a good addition to your roster.
    I have around 1,700 hours on TF2, with over 100 out of 400 recorded as Engineer.
    My dm is more than capable for an aggressive Engie, and my play-style can be moulded dependent on how the team plays and/or the situation.
    I am also very happy to listen to your strategies, any new ideas, and criticism with the best attitude, but obviously sometimes I will know better ;)

    I am available to play every-day from 17:30 CEST onwards, but I don’t like going past 21:00 CEST too much (but I am happy to if needed). Something may come up and I may be unavailable to play, but I will give as much warning and time as possible so you can organise a replacement. This shouldn’t be common, though.

    Feel free to hit me up at http://steamcommunity.com/id/Jacko720/ for trials and such.