ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Engineer  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, Highlander

European The Booted Cat

Posted by Cyclonite: | Last Online:

Hi there!

The Booted Cat is a new team looking for members who are new to the competitive scene and are willing to become more knowledgeable and more skilled as we rise up the ranks.

I was previously on a div 4/5 team as a medic and am now starting up my own team.

What I would expect from you:
– To be eager and willing to learn and improve
– To be a reliable team member who contributes in a positive way
– To have experience in your chosen class and have decent knowledge of class function
– I am limiting ages to 16+
– To not rage or create an atmosphere which is harmful to others
– You don't need competitive experience but it would be helpful

So far I'm looking for Engineer

If this interests you then feel free to add me on steam and we can have a chat :D


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  1. Snooki: VDOH said:

    Good funny guy, has experience and will do REALLY well. Join the team!

  2. Janqe: TBA - ʕ ᓀ ᴥ ᓂ ʔ said:

    So no need for subs? I could be able to play as main solly soon. About me: 17 years old, about 850 h tf2, currently almost only lobbies when time to play.

  3. Duwahkeen said:

    I might consider this, though I got a lot of experience. I just need a fresh start again…

  4. TheGamerPT said:

    added to talk!

  5. TheGamerPT said:

    btw i main scout 6s and i play decent pyro solly and i think spy.

  6. Kirkus said:

    I added you. Interested.

  7. Ze Ferret said:

    I would like to play Engy, though i’m turning 16 next month