ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European Balls Deep

Posted by Ryushi: | Last Online:

Need a scout for next season.
Preferably a more passive style, must speak English and be able to enjoy themselves.
Be Gud
Be able to accept that Mimzyy has mental issues.
Be able to sell your soul for free servers.
We won all of Div 5 last season so hopefully looking to at least get into the qualifiers for Mid at the end of next season.

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View Div 4/Div 5 2 365


  1. yak said:

    ryushi san pick me

  2. Ryushi said:

    always bbe

  3. croix: traphouse - inVincible said:


  4. Meeto said:


  5. Jackie said:

    I can be a scout.I have 2.2K hrs on this account and 1.2K hrs on my other accountnearly 6K kills on my strange scattergun if you wondered :PCan play passive and protect my team matesAdd me to discuss

  6. .zero: -chess- said:

    fun people to play with (and Hot).

  7. Hot said:

    Listen to Zero, we are fun and hot. Join if u want a perma boner listening to my voice

  8. Ryushi said:

    got tons of people to trial atm, so post is temporarily closed, keeping it open in case nothing works out

  9. Meeto said:

    shame your nan doesn’t know how to close.

  10. mangoo: pal? said:


  11. Meeto said:


  12. sorsa: mooz said:


  13. Deox: myx - wL. said:


  14. Hot said:


  15. B4n4n4m4n: Ol'dog said:


  16. Chronos: BMS said:


  17. RTC said:


  18. Marosh: Lad - Otter said:

    toucan’d so i can make out furiously with metal