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Hello there!
I kinda know how this game works since I've played highlander for the last couple of seasons, started playing at the start of 2013 and am a div 2-3 pyro, I've never played 6s though.
I now wanna try it, preferably as soldier, but since I never played 6s or any other class than pyro competitvely besides a couple times of mercing as hl solly, it's gonna be new anyways and I'm willing to improve on whatever class is needed.
I'm generally looking to learn and improve, but I mainly just wanna have fun doing so.
I also don't know what div I am, so just trial me pls. c:
User Profile | SteamID: U:1:104826357Team History
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View | Skill | Classes | Views | Added | |
View | Mid/Open | 3 | 504 | ||
View | Prem/High | 8 | 681 | ||
View | Prem | 23 | 1292 | ||
View | Mid/Open | 9 | 753 | ||
View | Prem | 19 | 1341 | ||
View | High/Mid | 10 | 659 | ||
View | Mid/Open | 2 | 436 | ||
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View | Mid/Open | 10 | 799 | ||
View | High/Prem | 29 | 1193 | ||
View | High | 18 | 1004 | ||
View | High | 18 | 1004 | ||
View | High | 15 | 776 | ||
View | Div 5/Div 6 | 5 | 789 |
Super lovely, very strong and creative pyro. He’s got potential and he’s doing good making himself more known and famous as he’s climbing up the divisions in a pretty noticeable speed but he seems to be doing more than fine.
TEATIEEEEM. Really lovely guy to speak to when he does, has brilliant dm and gamesense aswell. A really worthwhile pickup if you need a pyro.
Don’t get me wrong, you are decent. But 4/5 decent sorry :(
Could do well in gold though I don’t know.
Selling himself a bit short here – teatime was going to be our pyro until we decided to go div 1 instead of div 2; we decided it’d be better to find a pyro who could play in both etf2l and plat at div 1 level. Also dont be bothered about teatime’s current etf2l team, he’s just playing with friends.
Teatime’s always looking to improve. He’s burnt through many mentors, abandoning each one after he’s learnt all their secrets. He takes critisism very well and is highly flexible – as demonstrated by how smoothly he’s adapted to playing at div 2 level.
I really hope teatime finds a team that’ll further his gamesense and help him keep improving as a player. Go TEATIEM.
classic hedokingoglu weighing in with his opinion
what makes you say teatime is div 4/5 as opposed to 2/3? a 2 div difference, that’s pretty significant
hedokingolu my man! you better sort your attitude out before i sort it for you!!!! You don’t even know my friend TEATIEM have you even seen him play?
Literally the hardest pyro to play against
Good Pyro Div 1 Ez
i love how hedo has to beef about everyone even tho he hasnt accomplishd anything and isnt even good
had the pleasure of him inviting me to his ugc team and he now plays in the same etf2l team as me
great pyro
knows what he is doing can both protect the combo and fuck up sollys and demo
has saved me many times and a great buddy to have when being forced to roam on cp or koth maps
overall >div 3 player
wont comment on divs as im barely div 4
but yes a great pyro and person.
This is funny coming from ignis.
Sorry I forgot opinions are not allowed in ETF2L. If everyone stopped acting like little crying kids and actually acted like mature men things would’ve been a lot more enjoyable.
Anyways, I just judged from the occasions I played with Teatime. I only saw him play like 3-4 times in mixes and stuff so I am not entirely sure whetever I am right or wrong. But holy shit no need to act like little kiddies who needs to whiteknight their dearest friend which Teatime doesn’t need if what Asa’s words about “taking criticism well” is correct which I can confirm because he is a super swell dude.
Teatime is currently playing in d6 if I am correct? Then considering that, d4/d3 is an amazing jump and shows what sort of a potentional he has.
Anyways I’ll just say my opinion out loudly whetever people like it or not.
Hedo is a retard and a bad player.
Yeah but your opinion often has no backing, is always negative and most of the the time is wrong so really you should just shut up.
Good pyro! Nice guy and he’s always ready to improve. Give him a go!
most pyros destroy either main spys or main soldiers, but he does both. has the perfect balance of combo protecting and roaming, and at the rate he’s improving could be the pyro for the German national team next year probs. PICK HIM UPPP
probably the ONLY normal person who played for OIAV…and the only good one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It’ll be interesting to see how he does in Plat this season but as of now I’d say that while a good pyro, he’s probably not above Div 3.
Always seems like a lovely person though and I can confirm that he has a better grasp on spies than most Pyros :)
Good luck!
Just realised that you’re not actually with M’lady anymore :3 Whoops!
Regardless, keen to improve and super nice. Probably around Div 3. Annoying to Spy against! :)
Good pyro. Good loadout. Good man. Good fun.
Had the honor of playing with him for several seasons.
Really hard time for spies to play against him.
Always improving and good player overall.
Makes horrible puns.
69/10 would play with again.
Seemed solid for D3 level when we played against him. Could be better now, give him a trial.
Edited the post, now looking for both etf2l and UGC!
10/10 saved my ass multiple times