ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedic  Mid- Skill, 6v6

Sweden Keso gaming

Posted by Jazzman: | Last Online:

We're a Swedish team looking for either a demo or a medic.

We would say we're about div 4 in skillevel.
we're a swedish team and will only accept swedish speaking players

as Demo:
You need to have atleast div 5 experience and div 4 experience is a plus.
You should have an agressive playstyle, which fits our team perfactly.
Dont rage ever.

as medic:
aggresive healing
good gamesense
no rage.

your age should be around 18 or above.

contact me on steamfriends or irc, im usually OG|Jazzman on #onlinegamer

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  1. huhystah said:

    Great team :D <3 ulv and jazzman(cheator)

  2. Iller: tGa said:

    Nice guys.
    Any demoman trialling will have a hard time living up to Numlocked’s standards though.. :D
    I hope you find your demo and medic. You deserve some good people here.

  3. Jazzman: keso said:

    to clear things up, we’re searching for either a demo or a medic, if we dont find a demo our medic will go demo and we will be searching for a medic :)

  4. Jazzman: keso said:


  5. Jazzman: keso said:

    still searching

  6. ToRn: KÅT - SpA|com said:

    Nice team with a steady development!

  7. Jazzman: keso said:


  8. Warmaster: -[MG]- - HL said:

    Friendly bump. Nice team and I heard they helped numlocked reach div 1!

    <3 Jazz and iQue

  9. CGS: -9m- - -9m- said:

    2nd Friendly bump:)
    Bunch of nice guys join em

  10. Iller: tGa said:

    3:rd friendly bump ! :D
    They should have learned a lot by having players like Numlocked and Ulv in their team.
    I’m sure any decent medic (or demo) would find a good home here !

  11. Snyyppis: RLM said:

    4th Friendly bump!

    Nu ska ni alla kontakta jazzman genast!

    excuse my finsvenska :P hope you guys all the best!