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EngineerPyroSniper  Low/Open Skill, Highlander

Sweden Shooting Enemy Gamers

Posted by Heylox_GAMER: | Last Online:

we need pyro, engie, sniper and subs
Looking for chill gamers for a chill season of Highlander

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View Low/Open 4 318
View Mid/Low 0 216
View Low/Open 1 283
View Open 0 192
View Open 1 195


  1. gLIM GLaM said:

    i am in guys, please add me

  2. CrazyComrade said:

    You still need a pyro?

  3. Chasing: TC: Ox - TC said:

    HMU can pyro.

  4. Espeon231 said:

    I’d like to be a sniper.

  5. Strengerdenger said:

    I’d like to be engineer if u have a main spot

  6. Winnie said:

    I’m an insane sniper! I’ll do anything to win and to have fun hit me up on steam! https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198017002866/ or search up Winnie Is Toxic.

  7. creamgravy573 said:

    I could be engineer if the slot’s already taken, though i’m guessing it is since I see someone else already offered

  8. Semaj said:

    If you’re in need of a pyro I can play. In addition I can sub for basically anything but possible sniper and demo if needed. Also stupid question but I need to ask, is being able to speak Swedish a requirement? I know there other nationalities on your team but I’d thought I check as while I’m learning I’m quite bad at Swedish. If you’d like to add me to the team my steam is Mail me BEANS

  9. yasin said:

    I can play Pyro and Sniper. I am pretty good at both, I’ve played 1200~ hours in total. I am swedish aswell. My steam id is /id/feliiix . I am 17

  10. Newguy: NoodleMan said:

    Would love to try out and be a sniper

  11. Fitsfer said:

    I would like to join as a sniper, I have 200 hours on tf2 and almost 600 kills as a sniper.

    Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Diditfartalmo/

    Tf2 stats:https://steamcommunity.com/id/Diditfartalmo/stats/TF2

    I’m also a bit experienced in demo and engi

    Btw my chill levels: 8.52/10

  12. Shabedooba said:

    Hi! I have 77 hours on pyro, 58 on engi and 54 on sniper. I would be happy to sub any class, but especially soldier (195 hours) or demo (140 hours).