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Scout  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

European Team Freedom

Posted by HoneyBadger: | Last Online:

Hi everyone

Social team, hang out in mumble outside of games
Won div4 without dropping a single point.
I'm gonna get a server in the next couple of days, so that will be settled.

Good dm please
Don't be a immature
Div3 experience would be good but isn't required.

Add me if you want a trial.

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View Div 3/Div 4 8 705


  1. Admirael said:

    Amazing bunch together, always fun to play with, and after all good players. These guys have potential and are very active. Shouldn’t be a problem for them to find a nice scout.

  2. DavidTheWin: (ETF2L Donator) - BTWFC - [ᴛᴍᴍ] said:

    dey gud

    Dedicated bunch of guys, they take things seriously and want to improve. Mayo is a strong scout partner to have as well

  3. frixx: LG said:

    really great team, big potential to go huge, also got greg <3

    gl champs

  4. MC: UbeR | said:

    Best team eu. Great guys! Ive merced demo for them a few times, their comms are always very easy-going and relaxed, really helps during the game. Nothing else to say I think.

    Greg told me to post something.

  5. Wiper: idd. said:

    Nice bunch of guys with really impressive results, should be a good choice for any scout looking to play next season in div3.

  6. Swi: duplo said:

    They are really nice guys now when penny have left. Div 3 should be fine

  7. r1k: Syn said:

    Team has big potential, they rolled this season. Good luck :)

  8. Smirre: duplo said:

    Good team, nice guys etc.

  9. kyb597: BuZzBuZz said:

    Best team ever, if you don’t count every other team out there. No, not even then.

    Seriously though, they’re pretty much my best friends in tf2 and I’m REALLY NICE so that says something.

    Beast dm, relaxed and hilarious mumble talks. Just de_best.

  10. NuTRiCuLa: D925 said:


  11. Fallen: TC said:

    Greg is a fagget,
    Mayo goes with carrets,
    Honey Bee Likes to jump,
    Spudd likes to hump.

  12. Mayowa05: free - BuZzBuZz said:

    We have sick strats and calls like “let’s push I’m bored” and “let’s just win” and “just DM it”.

  13. Shulqiple: 4SKINGS said:

    Added! :D

  14. Flood said:

    Nice bunch of guys, good at tf2. Join them

  15. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:

    good team, hate their playstyle tho :p

  16. bagaren said:

    nice guys, d3 for sure