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ScoutSniper  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European DAKKA gaming

Posted by lolage: | Last Online:

Hey there!

We need a new scout as Ex has switched to soldier after much persuasion! (mostly by myself :p)

We are looking for:
* Ideally somone who has experience in division 4
* Somone who is sociable
* Ideally a lead scout to boss LittleMinister around
* Someone who can take criticism if given and wants to improve
* Someone who can play from 20:00CET till about 23:00/23:30CET
* LANable is a plus
* Ideally 18+ (we're all over 19, so unless your really mature don't try applying please)

We are offering:
* A fun team with lots of banter but serious when needed
* Progession
* Lots of catch phrases which you must learn

Current Roster:
Medic: Dr. Icecream
Demo: lolage
Soldiers: Eledorian & ExcessiveEvil.
Scouts: Littleminister & you?

Contact either myself(lolage), Eledorian or ExcessiveEvil.

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  1. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    I remember Ex as a nice chap from the good ol’ days in season 5 (he probably does not remember me anyway…)
    lolage and Eledorian are nice lads as well, you can not do anything wrong by applying for this team!

  2. ExcessiveEvil: DAKKA said:

    Of course I remember you ;)

  3. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Good team, good bunch of guys, you cant go wrong……

    All nice guys, all good for a laugh and in possession of some skillz.

    Go trial people, just watch this video before hand: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb-xOmXPukY

  4. dr icecream said:

    Monkeh knows all about us, proven by the video he just posted =)

  5. ExcessiveEvil: DAKKA said:

    I’m proud of you Monkeh :D

  6. Warmaster: -[MG]- - HL said:

    Very nice guys, they even wanted a lonely scout to merc for them :)

    They’ve got the talent to be a solid div 4 team, the aim is already there, they just need to work a bit more on the gamesense/tactical part imo.

    Any div 4 scout should check this team out. They’ve got potential! But be aware: arm yourself against crazy mumble banter!

    Ow, if you ever need a backup scout, you know where to find me :D

  7. djshrew said:

    LOL should stick ex demo let him carry. :)
    Nah Ex is good any class, and a class act. (he is from notts to be expected.)
    Lolage is a good lad. (he can take a ribbing, and took many ;)
    Dr Icecream is a v nice lad.
    Eli has learn alot these days turn into a respectable soli.

    cannot comment on the rest, but i can assure u ex will give u all the lol’s u want.

  8. dr icecream said:


  9. Orchid: |=3 said:

    Played against them in a mix. Looked like a nice bunch.
    <3 Lolage.
    Lemme know If ur up for giving me a trial!

  10. immortal flow said:

    These dudes are pretty cool and fun to play with. Also they have excellent taste in scouts.

  11. Hyde S: maksa said:

    hi! I dont have div4 exp. but i’ve got a lot of free time and im able to improve, so i’d like to try a trial. http://steamcommunity.com/id/sepulcralis/

  12. Sylosin: MEAT - evCon. said:

    bunch of fucking awesome guys who can have a laugh and get straight down to business when needed.

    they also have lolage, who sounds soft and squidgy but can hit pipes like a boss

  13. dr icecream said:


    I lol’d at the following line:

    “we’re all over 19, so unless your really mature don’t try applying please”

    We’re using the autotune, LOTR-voice over binds, random quotes, homosexual moments 24/7, and you’re looking for someone mature? lol

    Anyway, on another note: I heard their medic is and has a massive dick

  14. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    A dick more ‘mature’ than a 10 year old cheddar!

  15. dr icecream said:

    ^ Yeah, kinda :P
    Lolage also won the award for biggest DERP of the year

  16. Eledorian: DAKKA said:

    I’m moving this

  17. Biohazard: IDK said:

    Much <3 for team dakka – It's where I started and where (gay moment) my heart will always be :) Great bunch of lads, multigaming, loads of laugh in mumble and forums but organized and serious during tf2 games.

    Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jko7SWIevlI&feature=related


  18. konr said:

    Great team with good potential.