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Scout  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

European unity_

Posted by kitas: | Last Online:

Hey everyone, we are searching for scout or backup allrounder, since sc left us. Anyway thanks to him.

Okey now about us, were in great community called dakka, they are giving us a server and superb atmosphere in mumble. Last season we were in div5 and I still think that was a mistake. We won there second place (should be first but we've got one match as def loose cuz of exteel).Its only our second lineup change. IMO were always friendly and ready for a jokes. We will try to go to div3 next season. We have players from all Europe ( Italy, Lithuania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic). Normally were playing 20cet-22-30cet almost all week. Didnt play much in summer cuz of holidays and other stuff.

Our lineup :
Demo – Dagon
Medic – Kuba
Scout – Hyde, need one(or Warcloud will play it)
Solly – Kitas and Hitman
Backup – Warcloud(if warcloud scout we will need one or two)

What we need from players –
First, I dont care about ur age and nationality since u have a good ping and personality, and u can speak english. You r able to play at div3 level, have a brains to make a good decisions, listening to calls ( our maincaller is kuba) and making calls by yourself. And please listen to the other opinions.

Contact kuba, if u can play backup or scout, Im currently in UK ill back at 21th then we will start trialing, sorry if we wont trial u, we dont have so much time.

Cheers, Kitas.

hitman is best pocket ever

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  1. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Good team, unlucky with Exteel. Should be capable of doing Div3 next season. gl!

  2. gold: ympocucked said:


  3. Hitm@n said:

    Im not listening and im still in O.o

  4. kitas: mi6 - BANZAI said:

    plan is changing contact kuba this week thx.

  5. dr icecream said:

    They’re a very good team, only their medic needs to improve a bit.

    That’s right Kuba, I’m better than you

  6. gold: ympocucked said:

    omg wtf
    not even close to me baby:*

  7. gold: ympocucked said:


  8. gold: ympocucked said:

    I Think we got right person, so pls dont add me now :)

  9. Sc said:

    div3+ skill and almost all got humor what you more need?

  10. dr icecream said:

    A good medic? XD

  11. Sc said:

    kush :P

  12. lolage: TSPAG said:

    very good team, ez div3 – gl guys

  13. kitas: mi6 - BANZAI said:

    still add kubex, he was joking

  14. jaske said:

    Really strong steam, Should do well in div3, Kubex has an awsome voice and dagon is a beast, gl guys!

  15. Tardus: ez-sports.ru said:

    kuba is carrying

  16. kitas: mi6 - BANZAI said:

    kuba is carrying me at home every time and he is a gymnastic teacher

  17. gold: ympocucked said:

    fuck u kitas let me do my job dont add me.:D

  18. Hyde S: maksa said:

    “Kubex has an awsome voice”
    in tears

  19. freakz: [8U] said:


    Just saying you might want to recruit this keen fucker.

  20. Warcloud: [MC] said:

    I fell inlove with kubex’s voice when i was trialing and his weird pollish accent saying thing like MAMBL and BALD charge. Too bad he’s ginger and does not have a soul therefore he seems a bit retarded to normal people but at least he’s pretty clever ingame :D

  21. gold: ympocucked said:


  22. Dagon said:

    LoL Warcloud, u forgot to say that kuba can handle big things! So guys if u have a beast in ur pants, he’s searching always for new experience ;)