ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European Team Colonslash: Potat

Posted by Spike Himself: | Last Online:

We be needing a roamer!

– Can play WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY starting 20.00 CE(S)T
– Speak English understandably
– Have strong DM AND braincells
– Can take/give constructive criticism
– Ability to LISTEN to calls and shut up if you disagree with maincaller

We're looking for div 4 level players. If you do not have any Div 5 match history* on ETF2L, don't apply.
* only one season and having lost all matches does not count

– Got dumped by half our team after S16 ended :(
– Are TC's latest academy project (original line-up consisted of players entirely new to 6v6)
– Have a 10000 slot mumble (yes, that is ten thousand)
– Have a TF2 server located in Roubaix, France, and an online STV demo archive.
– Play WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY starting 20.00 CE(S)T

Add Spike on steam (if you add anyone else we won't trial you – yes, we do expect you to be able to read, too).

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  1. Thor ★ said:

    looking to trial as a roamer, my group won our div 6 group and we have won many div 5 teams in scrims so im looking for a better team

  2. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Div 5 pcw’s are div6 teams looking for a challenge. It makes you top div6, not div4.

  3. Twinqe said:

    No div 5 experience, but if you’re interested in a backup at all I’d be available

    If not, good luck looking and free bump =p

  4. schleB said:

    Added Spike, waiting for answer (SCOUT)

  5. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    would like to roam, add if interested x

  6. Cuttlefish: 6v6 said:

    Hey! Out of interest, would I be able to trial if the season of d5 I played & lost was one in which I offclassed (Scout’s my main, played Demo and did pretty well, I think)? I’m probably not div4 level yet, but if I ever did get good…

  7. WLAN-Kabel: [CWC] said:

    @spike sent you a msg on steam

  8. spherefs said:

    Added for roamer.

  9. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Got enough trialists for now. No more steam adding for a while please! I’ll bump again when we need more.

    As for those who have already added me but haven’t spoken to me yet; keep harassing me and I promise that at some point I will actually be around to answer :D