ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

International Tante

Posted by Jules: | Last Online:

Hello guys,
We’re a newly formed 6v6 team called “Tante”. We want to go div 5/4, 5 at first and after some practice I think we can handle div 4.

We’re searching for a Demo, a Soldier and a Medic. Mostly the solly should be a good roamer.

What we expect from you:
Nice and friendly player
Good dm and gamesense
Can do pcw’s 2/3 times a week
Being in mumble whenever you’re able or want to play (makes mixing much easier)
Don’t get mad during matches
Speaking fluid English

What we can offer:
Mumble Server + Match Server
Nice guys
Keeping relations to each other
Good experience in 6v6

So if you’re thinking of playing with us some day, please add Tonsil on his ETF2L profile.

Profile Link: https://etf2l.org/forum/user/59933/

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  1. Anonymous Apex said:

    I main soldier and have 250 hours on tf2, im interested in starting competitive tf2 and have no experience currently. I am 15 and from england, add me on steam if you want to chat

  2. Nick Dope: - SONS said:

    I’m a main demo, have 2000 overall hours of TF2 but only about 500+ of comp, I speak fluent English and am also at a pretty solid div 5 level looking to improve. I also think that the best way to improve is the best morale so nice players is important to me :> I’m available most days except Wednesday evening and Friday evenings / Saturdays.

  3. Nadav2399: dWe. said:

    Hey i am interested in being a demo for your team.I will add you on steam to talk about that

  4. Pete_: PrettyGay said:


    I am an Austrian Soldier
    I have 1100+ legit hours in TF2, about 250 as Soldier.
    I have played as a backup Pyro for about a month in an ugc silver team (but that’s only because my friend owned that team). I have 140 + lobbies, mainly playing as 6s roamer soldier.
    I really love timing medic bombs and things like that with my team.
    I speak proper english, am 16 years old and would like to improve at this game.
    I’d love to be a part in this team.
    Hit me up if you want to talk.

    Peace :D