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HeavyPyroSoldierSpy  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

European Tactical Retreat ESports

Posted by Ecophagy: | Last Online:

Tactical Retreat ESports is coming back for UGC12, and is on the lookout for some fresh faces. We have a number of seasons of experience in ETF2L and one of UGC, and this time we intend to improve on our somewhat unimpressive record. We are looking for:

Backup Engy

We have:
-Our own Server and Mumble
-Reasonably frequent scrims
-Cool guys who are often online and up for TF2 or other games (L4D2, Payday 2, etc)
-A sense of humour

We would like from you:
-To be 18+ (we are old farts)
-To have some experience outside of lobby
-To be familiar with your class and the job they perform
-To be enthusiastic and keen to talk about strategy, and willing to improve independently.
-Able to give and take constructive criticism

If you don't have all of those things don't worry, they're just what we are ideally looking for.

Add me at http://steamcommunity.com/id/spoon_prophet/ and we can talk about stuff. If you have access to a demo of your play and an idea of when you might be around to trial, that would be great.

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  1. JoakimMos: BAGC - RUN! said:

    Knowing the Divisions in UGC you’d like to enter would make it easier for plenty people.

  2. Ecophagy: BAGC - RUN! said:

    We’re intending to play in Steel. Thanks for pointing that out.

  3. Lyrete: BAGC - RUN! said:

    Sexi team, sexi people, they’ll probably actually win if you’re good who joins them :D

  4. Holiday: Lite - PGHS said:

    I’m a Spy player LFT, and think I fit all your criteria. I’m out of town on business ATM, but I’ll be back home by the end of the week and can show you some of my demos then if you like.

  5. Toodles: Issue? - Issue! said:


    I haven’t had much experience with comp TF2 other than pugs and lobbies.
    Most of that have been in 6s though.

    I consider myself fairly good at soldier roamings. If you wanna trial me send me a hello or something.


    P.S. English is not an issue

  6. SurfPrize said:

    I’m a heavy/spy lft.So if you wanna try me out,add me.
    I have experience with spy,but i have alot less with heavy.

  7. Ren_: [T-A!] said:

    Nice bunch of guys and are all very friendly if they get some good people and get tactics and stuff down they will probably get a good few wins, gl guys.

  8. llama: .pH said:

    Hey I Would like to join as a soldier. I have good amount of experience outside of lobby. I played soldier for iron and we did pretty well in the season (6-0, joined late). anyway im 15 and Ill happily take criticism to get better. and im english so speaking is no problem, So i hope im pretty ideal besides that im not 18 (only three years off :) )