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DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSoldier  Low/Open Skill, Fresh Meat

UnitedStates T97

Posted: | Last Online:

I play fairly well but am new to 6v6 competitive format. I can play all classes but I don't usually play sniper or spy. I would like to play the Fresh Meat Challenge.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:102005177 Add Friend

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  1. isn: Cello said:

    Hey, I main spy but I can off class if needed. I’ve played a few competitive matches with my friends and we did alright. Now though I wanna get into highlander because I can play spy and not something not fun in my opinion. Heres my steam and no I don’t watch anime

  2. Subverslave: NoodleMan said:

    Hello, would you want to play Engie on my team? You may have to swap between Pyro & Engie but I would love to have you! (If you wish to talk further i would prefer if it was through steam)

  3. Tsumiki said:

    Heya, im interested about playing with you, i can play pretty much everyone execpt spy :)

  4. Tsumiki said:

    Ive sent you an invite, since i would like to play with you

  5. Hef: KotO said:

    Hey, the Fresh meat is located in Europes so if you can stand with the ping and the bad sleeping schedule it should go okay! This is from me not an application. Just a warning!

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