ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European T-A!: BraveBodyshot

Posted by botman: | Last Online:


Hello, as our medic is no longer able to play TF2, we are looking for a new one. We are a new and ambitious team with mixed skill backgrounds from both HL and 6v6, sponsored by the Team-Awesome! Gaming Community.

What we wish of you:
– Good gamesense, especially for the medic class
– Quite high activity (we may play several times a week)
– Cooperative towards criticism and discussing tactics, with ambition to improve
– Calm and clear-thinking (no raging)
– Good calls and an audible mic. Ability to maincall would be highly valued.
– Friendly person and good attitude
– Common sense, etc.

Minimum age: 16

Contact any of these


or just post here below.

We also need a soldier to solidify our roster, pretty much the same requirements as posted above to a candidate. High activity level is favoured. We can recruit you if you want to play roamer, but you will have to play pocket if necessary.

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  1. Something Will Cum said:

    Hey, would love to join as a medic, have +3000 hours of tf2. Saw some of your members on TF2Lobby, add me and we’ll discuss

  2. Bonus said:

    I could trial for sub demo. I main demo for some time now but I have soldier experience aswell. I could also trial for pocket if you’re going div6 or in case you need a pocket sub. Add me, I suppose?

  3. TabzY said:

    still need a pocket? you can add me if you do

  4. Tal9191: GOALstar said:

    i can be a scout contact me if needed

  5. Visual Circus said:

    Applying for Soldier (pref) & med. Both main classes i play.

    Add me on steam for a tryout – do play pugs and even played tfc for ages.
    27y – got more than decent skills

    Add me

  6. Botman said:

    Post updated. We are now looking for a medic! See OP.

  7. K3m0k3 said:

    Hey i would like to join as a roamer solly. add me on steam for test if you want. I play alot of pugs and lobbies.

  8. Huzzy said:

    Good luck with the search!