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MedicPyroSoldierSpy  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Synergy LFT 6s

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi There, i am called Synergy as you see i am looking for a div 6 Highlander Team, i play soldier , medic, spy, and also pyro, but i am looking for soldier and spy mainly i have more than 100+ hours on them each, i have a brief idea of what Highlander is like, because i have played lobby, 100+ , therefore i am looking for an English speaking team EU, and i am friendly, i don't rage when something goes wrong. So just add me and we can discuss :) http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057438558 there ya go.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:97172830 Add Friend

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  1. Spudfrancis: :pray: HL said:

    My name is Spudfrancis. I have been playing TF2 for some time now, but i am fairly new on competitive. I have also played on lobby, and really enjoyed it, especially spy on highlander. I am fairly calm, and will be on most nights from about 4pm to 9pm english time. I would like to take you up on the spy position, and i hope i would qualify, even though i am not an old veteran of competetive. Can’t wait to hear back from you :)

  2. Spudfrancis: :pray: HL said:

    Sorry, accidentally went on the wrong tab, hope you succeed in finding a team :)