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Scout  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Spain Stuppa

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User Profile | SteamID: U:1:32644095 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Spanish Rockets [6v6] Neeeiks
Joined Spanish Rockets [6v6] Neeeiks
Left AndaKnO [6v6] Stuppa
Joined AndaKnO [6v6] Stuppa
Left Grow uP Gaming [6v6] Stuppa
Joined Grow uP Gaming [6v6] Stuppa
Joined Team Dicknitas [Highlander] Stuppa
Left Dalens Circlejerk [Highlander] Stuppa
Left StopNplay Multigaming Community [6v6] Stuppa
Joined Dalens Circlejerk [Highlander] Stuppa
Left Team Dicknitas [Highlander] Stuppa
Joined StopNplay Multigaming Community [6v6] Stuppa
Left Whiteyes Multigaming [6v6] Izzy57
Joined Team SPAIN [2v2] Stuppa
Left Les Inmigrantes [2v2] Stuppa
Joined Whiteyes Multigaming [6v6] Stuppa
Left DeadLine [6v6] Stuppa
Joined Team Dicknitas [Highlander] Sef
Left Mariscos Recio [Highlander] Stuppa
Joined Les Inmigrantes [2v2] Stuppa
Joined DeadLine [6v6] Stuppa
Left iLogic [6v6] Stuppa
Joined iLogic [6v6] Stuppa
Left Dangerous for environment [6v6] mimu
Joined Dangerous for environment [6v6] mimu
Left Dangerous for environment [6v6] mimu
Joined Dangerous for environment [6v6] mimu
Left Rәact Team [6v6] Stuppa
Joined Mariscos Recio [Highlander] Severyy
Left Salvame Deluxe [Highlander] Stuppa
Joined Salvame Deluxe [Highlander] Severy
Joined Rәact Team [6v6] Stuppa

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 4/Div 5 3 338
View Low+ 2 414


  1. Caeli: #T4F said:

    Hello, today we are going to learn how to add. 3+2 = Division 5, maybe could be div4, but probably low.

    You have spent your whole tf2 making jokes about div6 players and never helped them (being div5 for 4 years makes it so funny btw)
    Apart from being a cunt with all people, you are a low-skilled troll who thinks he’s better than everyone, so much ego really :(

    In matches, you overextend so much and don’t have the aim to deal div3, and no experiencie as well.

    Sorry, My condolences.
    Would not pick for any team.

  2. Regen: nf. - 9F said:

    The aim for d3 is MOST definately there, don’t know about anything else

  3. Stuppah: .Dicknitas said:


  4. Stuppah: .Dicknitas said:

    Yep we could ask the community if Im a cunt or not , Im sure everybody apart from you and Squirry will tell you Im lovely, its just that I don’t like people with no self confidence.

    When was the last time you watched me playing , It was 2 years ago? The same time that you have expend in Europe because nobody in Spain can deal with you? Stop stalking me for all the TF2 I havent talk shit about you since 1 year ago or more and youre still mad with things that happened years ago? Leave me alone forever dude and I will do the same with you.
    And now ask yourself Why ure hated in the spanish community .

  5. Hallow: P.O.P said:

    He’s been a troll and a bit of a douche the times I’ve played them, and I didn’t see any div2 in there

  6. Caeli: #T4F said:

    Stuppa: ” When was the last time you watched me playing , It was 2 years ago? ”

    See? When I opened my recruitment post some months ago, you did the same with your super-retired friends circlejerk. How that feels?
    Anyway, you are demostrating what Hallow and Me said.

    I think you should say sorry to all people you had insulted.

  7. Stuppah: .Dicknitas said:

    Yes now that you have declared that You’re just revenging and knowing how type of “person of integrity” It is Hallow the value of your words in raising without control :)

  8. Squirry: nNT ≠ said:

    Personally I don’t think that you’re div3/2 and I played with u recently ;D Although, I wish u good luck.

    PS: I had same feeling when u posted in my recruitment post as well, so I’d do the same as bfaalizee, but I don’t want to decrease to your level <3 So yeah, much love! :D
    If u have any problem with my feedback give me a shout in steam instead whisperin with ur lovely spanish friends :D

  9. Food and Bombs: Candy said:

    Good luck pepe!

  10. Spike said:

    Nice partner scout, better sniper. Get it.

  11. eviLRaptor said:

    best scout EU !! div -6 hehe :P <3 great scout, nice skill for play div2/3, gl stuppha

  12. TRanky: 10B\'s said:

    sos groso sabelo

  13. Spike said:

    If Stuppah was div 5, Bfaalizee should be a div 16 player or simillar. Same to Squirry lel.

  14. Caeli: #T4F said:

    l0l Spike bad @ maths.

  15. Hukedio said:

    Good scout/sniper, fun to play with.

  16. Spike said:

    Oh yes, sorry for maths, I want to say div 17 players.

  17. Spike said:

    Oh yes, sorry for my maths, I want to say div 17 players.

  18. Caeli: #T4F said:

    New film: Spike may needs gamesense.

  19. Spike said:

    Bpaalizee needs a new male voice. NEWS? nope.

  20. amppis: DTR said:

    div2? More like prem easily.

  21. Stuppah: .Dicknitas said:

    Oh my little Valkoinen Kuolema :´)

  22. Caeli: #T4F said:

    Spuke needs rl.

  23. mümaguso said:

    Good luck Stuppa. Definitely a good scout, with enough gamesense to control the map easily and strong sniping.

  24. Light: 72 said:

    Last night was perfect, It couldn’t be better. Thanks for the anal sex stuppah. I would like to repeat it!

    Good player as scout/sniper, div 3/4. Take him, you won’t regret.


  25. scott: 27/2 said:

    I’d say div 3 ;) nice aim, nice brain. Gl stuppa ;)

  26. GodOfFail said:

    wtf is up with all this hate on this post
    what the hell did stuppah do
    good scout,his movement and dm are just awesome,give him a chance in div3.

  27. Golden said:

    Bfaalizee, stop being a skill police on every rec post. Gl man :)

  28. Rosselo: Relaxing - Dalens said:

    Div 3, good scout and nice guy.