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Medic  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Stuey

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi I've been playing TF2 comp for the past year now and feel its the right time to look for a div 4/5 team as medic I've had past experiences in a few teams and I am looking to join a 6's not Highlander team.
I can play pretty much every time needed once told.
I have a mic
I am easy going
I know how to play the role of to a div 5/4 standard
I'm not the best at main calling but can main call to a degree.
If you want to contact me for any trials or anything or more information add me at.
Thank You For Reading

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:99502164 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Transösophageale_Echokardiographie [6v6] b33p
Joined Transösophageale_Echokardiographie [6v6] Stuey
Left Six Sexy Suckers [6v6] Stuey
Joined Six Sexy Suckers [6v6] Stuey
Left Robotic Reporters [6v6] Stuey
Joined Robotic Reporters [6v6] Stuey
Left Robotic Reporters [Highlander] Stuey
Joined Robotic Reporters [Highlander] Stuey
Left Boom! Airshot [6v6] Stuey
Joined Boom! Airshot [6v6] Stuey

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View Div 4/Div 5 6 195


  1. schocky: MAFIA said:

    @stuey i wish you good luck!

    @rest he is a nice guy and a great medic so pick him if u want to win – if not, pick him as well cuz he is a funny dude! :D

  2. Avv said:

    nice guy, decent medic, could play div 5 easily and should be able to handle div 4, very enthusiastic, you wont regret giving him a chance.

  3. WastedPrime: FTM - [T-A!] said:

    frothey saya you’re shit

  4. frothybrew: s*x - (:) said:

    wasted is drunk, don’t listen to him, Stuey you are a beautiful person with a bright TF2 future ahead of you

  5. schocky: MAFIA said:

    best pocket med eu with sick gamesense :D

  6. b33p_: (ETF2L Donator) - -st- said:

    Look at his team history, then look how many matches he has played. 5 teams and one match, not a great history. He’s also a bit of a troll, but whatever, that’s his schtick and I don’t particularly care as long as he plays :D However, below demonstrates how flippant he is. Also, he is not a medic above div 5, he’s quite oblivious to jumpers, and he’s more concerned about his hats and outfits.

    26 May 2013
    17:43 – [T-A!] b33p: reminder: 6s official is tonight
    17:43 – Sarah Is Beautiful: i know
    17:43 – Sarah Is Beautiful: im home now
    17:43 – [T-A!] b33p: cool
    17:43 – [T-A!] b33p: can you play soon?
    17:44 – Sarah Is Beautiful: no i cant because im back home
    17:44 – Sarah Is Beautiful: of cource i can

    [typical 14 year old sarcasm. who answers questions like that?]

    17:44 – [T-A!] b33p: uh
    17:44 – [T-A!] b33p: 17:44 – Sarah Is Beautiful: no i cant because im back home
    17:44 – [T-A!] b33p: what
    17:45 – Sarah Is Beautiful: l2sarcasm
    17:45 – [T-A!] b33p: dude
    17:45 – [T-A!] b33p: you need to mature imho
    17:45 – Sarah Is Beautiful: Sarah Is Beautiful: of cource i can
    17:45 – Sarah Is Beautiful: Sarah Is Beautiful: of cource i can
    17:45 – Sarah Is Beautiful: Sarah Is Beautiful: of cource i can
    17:45 – Sarah Is Beautiful: Sarah Is Beautiful: of cource i can
    17:45 – [T-A!] b33p: you’re only a kid though so it’s uderstandable
    17:45 – Sarah Is Beautiful: fuck off
    17:45 – [T-A!] b33p: but it’s a bit shitty at the same time
    17:45 – [T-A!] b33p: gathering everyone together now
    17:45 – Sarah Is Beautiful: fuck off
    17:45 – Sarah Is Beautiful: after that comment
    17:45 – [T-A!] b33p: temper tantrum?
    17:46 – [T-A!] b33p: wat
    17:46 – [T-A!] b33p: happy to troll but unhappy to be trolled, lawl
    17:46 – [T-A!] b33p: don’t be a hypocrite
    17:46 – Sarah Is Beautiful: u know what i cant be bothered with you
    17:46 – Sarah Is Beautiful: u know
    17:46 – Sarah Is Beautiful: my ugc
    17:46 – Sarah Is Beautiful: 6’s
    17:46 – Sarah Is Beautiful: could beat this team
    17:46 – Sarah Is Beautiful: i quit
    17:46 – Sarah Is Beautiful: ohhhhh
    17:46 – Sarah Is Beautiful: hf tonite
    17:46 – Sarah Is Beautiful: ;)
    17:46 – Sarah Is Beautiful is now Offline.

    He is also only available something like 3 hours per day. 0/10 would not recruit again.

  7. KKR said:

    A rager, blames everybody but not himself.

  8. ARI: HKN! said:

    would be surprised if he got a Divison 6 team. he’s so bad.