ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

International Souls Superstes Fortis

Posted by Marzo: | Last Online:

Hello TF2 world. I am Marzo from the SSF we are a newly established team who are currently looking for new members. we are friendly ! (ETF2L)
It would be great if you can speak English and can speak through Skype
You can check out our main page here —–> http://steamcommunity.com/groups/SuperstesFortis
If you are interested please add me on Steam for more info ! Don't be shy :D
Marzo ^.^

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  1. Vantavia.: EcDucks said:

    Sniper Main LFT:
    1553h Overall
    Probably over 1000h Sniper

  2. D3flux said:

    I can play heavy, I have around 1830 hours tf2, not a lot of heavy but i have a lot of highlander experience.
    I added you to talk

  3. enjoy said:

    hey , i can play roamer, i’ve 150 hours on soldier and over 100 lobby’s in tf2center. I’m currently looking for a team who’s gonna play in a the archi cup

  4. Cranked: nc | said:

    Hi There,
    I’m relatively new to the competitive scene, and have 0 lobbies. At this point, feel free to pass up this comment.
    350+ hours of TF2
    53 hours of scout
    able to play Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Weekends from 4:30 till 9 (varies on Weekends)
    I’m doing this to learn, have fun and prove to myself that I’m good.
    1 and a half year old steam account.
    I’m 14 years of age.
    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198115685896/ <- my steam profile

    I'd love to be your scout (I second spy, also), so shoot me a message and we can have a discussion or a trial about my role in your team

  5. Chinkin34 said:

    Yo, Ive never played competitive TF2 before but would consider myself a pretty good medic/soldier/scout player. This is like the 5th team Ive tried looking for because most people won’t accept me ;-; Anywhos it would be pretty cool if you would “consider” me but well its up to you :p and p.s I’m not bad and as I say, definetley not a noob , also have had A LOT of experience with pubs and such.

  6. Mab: SSF said:

    Yo, I’m Mab, never played competitive TF2 in my life, started playing TF2 Center recently and have started to enjoy it. I got over 1000 hours on TF2 and I most likely is seen playing on it at least 1 a day. I’m 16 years of age, nearly 17 and have access to Skype, Mumble, TS.
    I main Pryo, but also I can strongly play Soilder and Spy.
    Steam Profile http://steamcommunity.com/id/MabsPlace/

  7. Zriph said:

    Hello! I’m Zriph! I main engie, and i easily do rampages when spies are not always sap-spamming my sentry (Mainly on payload) or else i’m good at Soldier/Heavy, on the front line. Got over 500 hours of TF2 and stupidly reset my hours on every classes -.-‘
    I’m very friendly and looking for some serious but friendly spirit :p

    I’m 14, so don’t even think of me playing early on Monday -> Friday , but i’m free on the week-end. Or on holidays.
    Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198049712273/

  8. Hoxo: Team Infacreep said:

    hello im El hoxo but everyone just calls me hox i main engie ive got 1000+hours on tf2 and im looking for a good team of people who know there way around the classes of the wonderfull game
    i would be on all weekend and late during weekdays and im really running out of things to say im trying to make this look as long as possible so i stand yeah thats all im really doing at this point in the paragraph aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddd done

  9. Bradez97 said:

    Hello, I have around 1200 hours on tf2, with around 91 hours being on medic. I have participated in the previous highlander open and am interested in joining a new team. I main medic and engineer and am usually available between 4:30pm and 11:00pm GMT. Add me if you would like to discuss. Thanks.