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ScoutSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Denmark Sofa King

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello Etf2l!

I'm a 18 year old guy from Denmark, who have recently started playing competitive tf2 again, after a 4 year'ish break.
I was very active during 2009 and 2010 with my former nickname "Therion".

After the summer holidays i am to start on my third year of Gymnasium (which is equivalent to finishing my A levels). I'm studying English and Social Science.
I speak english fluently, and i'm generally a calm, open minded and social guy.

I main soldier. I'd like to play pocket or roamer, either one will do. However i'd also like to play scout, since i like the aspects of playing scout alot. I'm also a very vocal guy, which contributes alot to my level of communication with the rest of the team, especially my scout buddy.

I believe that social communication between you and your team mates, is an important if not the most important aspect of a teams' success. Therefore i would like a team who likes to have fun on mumble, in pubs or any other game for that matter. As mentioned before, i'm a very social person, so i this is very important to me!
Even though i like to have fun, i'm also very dedicated and i definitely want to improve. I believe that i have a decent understanding of the game, and as a soldier i prefer to stand back and make a proper decision, than jumping in, hoping for a huge play.

If i managed to catch your interest, or if you'd like to know more. Please comment underneath or add me on steam! :)


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:18435950 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left impakt [6v6] Sofa King
Joined impakt [6v6] wgl
Left Cruising for a Bruising [6v6] Sofa King
Joined Cruising for a Bruising [6v6] Devon
Left 'Avin a Larf [6v6] Sofa King
Joined 'Avin a Larf [6v6] Hiatus
Left Perle Venner [2v2] Sofa King
Left CiC Nova [6v6] Nagash
Joined CiC Nova [6v6] Nagash
Left Actility [6v6] Sofa King
Joined Actility [6v6] PureX
Left smooth criminals [6v6] rtan
Joined smooth criminals [6v6] Poop
Left smooth criminals [6v6] rtan
Joined smooth criminals [6v6] Poop
Left smooth criminals [6v6] Sofa King
Joined smooth criminals [6v6] flushy
Left Friday! [6v6] Shep_Cro
Joined Friday! [6v6] Shep_Cro
Left Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Ante
Joined Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Sofa King
Left Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Sofa King
Joined Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Sofa King
Left Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Ghostface
Joined Division 7 Professionals [6v6] Ghostface
Left Good at Last! [6v6] Sofa King
Left The Lords Of Gravel Pit [Highlander] Rirt
Joined The Lords Of Gravel Pit [Highlander] HaKo
Joined Good at Last! [6v6] Risky
Left Killerinstincts - Team Lad [6v6] Gobby
Joined Killerinstincts - Team Lad [6v6] helberg
Left Team Lad [6v6] Sofa King
Joined Team Lad [6v6] Gobby
Left Team Dakka [6v6 Fun Team] Sofa King
Left Team Dakka [Highlander] Sofa King
Left nervousENERGY Heineken [6v6] Biohazard
Joined Team Dakka [6v6 Fun Team] ExcessiveEvil
Joined Team Dakka [Highlander] ExcessiveEvil
Left Team Na'Vi [Highlander] Seeiya
Joined nervousENERGY Heineken [6v6] Biohazard
Left What's in the boX? [6v6] Sofa King
Joined What's in the boX? [6v6] Cobby
Left Tabby Gaming [6v6] Gobby
Joined Tabby Gaming [6v6] Gobby
Left Proper Stinky Gaming - Pink Team [6v6] Sofa King
Left Team Milupa [6v6 Fun Team] Sofa King
Joined Team Na'Vi [Highlander] Seeiya
Joined Proper Stinky Gaming - Pink Team [6v6] phy-
Joined Team Milupa [6v6 Fun Team] Seeiya
Joined Perle Venner [2v2] Sofa King
Left Impossible is nothing! [6v6] Sofa King
Joined Impossible is nothing! [6v6] Seeiya
Left Bis Gaming [6v6] Sofa King
Joined Bis Gaming [6v6] achy
Left Full Aim Control [6v6] Vandal
Joined Full Aim Control [6v6] Vandal

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5 19 622
View Div 4/Div 5 32 898
View Low+ 10 652
View Mid- 18 768
View Low+ 39 694
View Low+ 8 448
View Low+ 5 517
View Mid- 13 432
View Mid- 4 495


  1. fishyard: ︻芫═一☺ said:

    Really good soldier and scout. Is very social and all around a good fellow. Can easily do div4

  2. samc_1996: |ΠἈ| said:

    really fun playing with them really good at soldier and scout. can easily do higher divs

  3. KhanTF2: hexisbad said:

    Very nice guy, calm and always fun to be around. Also has skillzZ!

  4. Beater: Danmark - LEGO said:


  5. Ace said:

    I remember he did something sick in a pickup i played in,, must be a good gamer!

  6. Sofa King said:

    Beater, your banter is as always as annoying as it is loveable!

  7. Beater: Danmark - LEGO said:

    You know I love you!

  8. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    Fantastic soldier, A+