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Spy  Open/Mid Skill, Highlander

Ireland nutty

Posted: | Last Online:

I've always wanted to get into competitive TF2 but never really had the chance before. I main Spy and have at least 400 hours as Spy. I can also kind of play Engineer but not as well as Spy. I have more than 1,360 hours on TF2, but no past competitive experience. (my stats glitched and reset all my class times though)
Unfortunately, I can only play on my laptop right now and its performance is not the best. Lag spikes are common for me but I can usually work around it. I'm free most Saturday mornings and Wednesday evenings, sometimes Sunday evenings too. My internet is at its best around these times.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:160377322 Add Friend

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  1. CardiacX said:

    Hello, Im recruiting for a mid level Highlander team. If you’d like to join, msg me. Low compiter performance is OK. This is my first attempt at TF2 competetive too, although I have experience organising CSGO teams.

  2. CardiacX said:

    Add me on steam if you like, at CardiacX