ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


ScoutSpy  Mid+ Skill, Highlander

Slovakia SKFY

Posted by Falco: | Last Online:

we need one scout or spy.

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  1. hurrycanne699 said:

    I want to be here friend :)

    I play engineer with the original weapons,
    My dispenser is alway to the front.
    I dont stay like a bloody idiot behind my sentry when there are stickys under it.

    My low point is defense against spys.
    But no ubercharges gonna get trough. XD

    So if you want to hire me I will give you my Steam ID but I must get it before.

  2. hurrycanne699 said:

    My ID:


    I hope you want me!