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MedicScout  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Italy Simply™ Bob™

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Heyo videogamers,

My name is Bob, or at least that's my nickname, and i'm an italian gamer who is looking forward to joining a d5/steel team for the next etf2l and ugc .
I have over 2600 hours on TF2, over 200 on both med and scout on both of my accounts.
I do have quite a bit of experience in 6s from previous teams and various mixes, i do know how my class plays on the field and how i should behave and co-operate with my team. I love being a teamplayer.

As a Medic i know that my role requires various things to be fullfilled, such as being able to quickly and precisely comm threatening enemy movements and action, to manage the team's position and strategy to adjust it to the actual situation. From my experience i have a good gamesense, I am decent at defending myself while retreating, but still not go in for a suicide saw on an overextended scout, I am decent at surfing and dodging.
I know the heal priorities and can manage ubers and kritzes pretty decently, and i always do my best to adapt to what the team asks me and i try to give them my best support and try things that might work for us.

As a Scout i know that my class is mostly a pick and cleanup class that is meant to give the finishing blow to a damaged target or to exploit a flank break to gather a few picks that allow my team to have the upper hand. I don't go in for suicide and pointless flanks if there isn't a reason to do so. I play my entrance intelligently trying to get the most out of it. I prefere to be the main offclasser because i can snipe decently and I'm a spy main, and i know that main offclasser doesn't mean that I'll have to offclass every death or every two deaths, as offclasses are mainly temporary switches that aim to pick a key target like demo or medic, and that they have to be used with responsibility, as a spy or sniper switch makes our flank weaker by having 1 less person on it. Basically, i have to make it worth doing that.

But other than that, i really love to build a strong comraderie with my team, i want to be a very sociable member that wants to be as active as possible, possibly talking about positioning and strategies in maptalks, giving suggestions and such.
But that doesn't stop me from taking the game as a game, to take as much fun from it as i possibly can, and the most fun thing i can find in a game is making it challenging and improving in it as much as possible. I am always looking forward to improve.

I'm looking for a serious team that wants to play at least 1/2 times a week plus maptalks, a team that wants to improve and that wants to get better at working together as a team.

-TL DR version-
I am a dood that plays medic and scout, I can maincall and click on people to heal them and make them shiny or to have boolets hug them.
Also read the normal version.
If you did, that's impressive! Didn't you get bored by the wall of text? You deserve a cookie!
Jokes apart,

Thanks for reading this post. Add me on steam for a trial or just a quick talk :D

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TICLA
Availability: Pretty much every evening if told before.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:87363060 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Italy [National Highlander Team] mèx
Left Italian DM Heroes [Highlander] BeS
Joined Italian DM Heroes [Highlander] BeS
Left the meme council (ottomans) [Highlander] Simply™ Bob™
Joined the meme council (ottomans) [Highlander] DINDU
Left Gardienii Fortei Mistice [6v6] Demos
Left Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] anni
Joined Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! [Highlander] Marv
Left Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Simply™ Bob™
Joined Feila eSports finanzieren durch [Highlander] Leila
Left Release [Highlander] Simply™ Bob™
Joined Gardienii Fortei Mistice [6v6] Demos
Joined Release [Highlander] Akwilon
Left SUPER ULTRA CRAZY KILLERS [Highlander] Simply™ Bob™
Joined How do I affog the meme [6v6 Fun Team] Jugger
Left Cheeky Nandos [6v6] Simply™ Bob™
Joined Italy [National Highlander Team] carnifex
Joined Cheeky Nandos [6v6] KrullkrigareN^
Left we dont even play tf2 [6v6] Simply™ Bob™
Joined we dont even play tf2 [6v6] 一方通行
Left we are still better than process [6v6] Simply™ Bob™
Joined SUPER ULTRA CRAZY KILLERS [Highlander] bluR-
Left Pizza Police [Highlander] Simply™ Bob™
Joined PENI [2v2] Wollo
Left Mom's Spaghetti [2v2] Zenik
Joined Mom's Spaghetti [2v2] Zenik
Joined we are still better than process [6v6] Irf00
Left bye-bye a go-go [6v6] Simply™ Bob™
Joined bye-bye a go-go [6v6] Banana Joe
Left MAYHEM 6v6 [6v6] Simply™ Bob™
Joined MAYHEM 6v6 [6v6] Coolbeans
Joined Pizza Police [Highlander] Sparky
Left Happytrail [Highlander] Simply™ Bob™
Joined Happytrail [Highlander] .
Left Pizza Police [Highlander] Simply™ Bob™
Joined Pizza Police [Highlander] bern
Left Pizza Police [Highlander] Simply™ Bob™
Left Übermensch [6v6] Simply™ Bob™
Joined Pizza Police [Highlander] bern
Joined Übermensch [6v6] Maltek
Left [Pαstα] [6v6] croix
Joined [Pαstα] [6v6] iamzhevor
Left May Contain Players™ [6v6] Simply™ Bob™
Left Team Gidro Coféeee [Highlander] Kimo
Joined May Contain Players™ [6v6] Simply™ Bob™
Joined Team Gidro Coféeee [Highlander] Kimo
Left Professional Anus Destroyers [Highlander] Simply™ Bob™
Joined Professional Anus Destroyers [Highlander] Brandon
Left you tryHard [Highlander] Simply™ Bob™
Joined you tryHard [Highlander] goner

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