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ScoutSniper  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

UnitedStates Shor

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I'm an older NA scout looking for a chill team to scout for. I've been playing comp since 2007 so I have plenty of experience. I've swapped to org managing ect a while back and want to get back into comp play. I'm more passive and play pretty smart. I'm confident in my gameplay and aim still so I think I would do ok for a div2 team, and people suggested that to me as well. EU timezones/ping won't be an issue for me at all since my schedule prefers it and im used to higher pings. Also I'd love it if you can fund my tattoo addiction :D

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:33208420 Add Friend

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One Comment

  1. Dharma Agent: TH said:

    Cool guy. Sexy tat. Can also play demo, so must have good knowledge of the game.