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Demoman  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Germany shape

Posted: | Last Online:

please dont burst out into laughter or flaming madness involving hatred and other unpleasant things, i was forced to do this!

so here goes
-18 years old
– vivid personality, talkative and social
– solid english
– mumble etc all that stuff
– skill should be on that level im wanting to play at

-mid-top div2 team with ambition to reach further
-mumble & warserver etc all the usual stuff
– talktative and social guys who enjoy having a talk
– atmosphere doesnt have to be super kind and friendly all the time, ill take rage etc doesnt bother me too much
– solid english
– i dont mind elitism and arrogance if thats a good thing

for any offers add me on steam, im availabe sun-thu usually onwards from 19 cet

yes, i know im lacking experience. but i feel confident enough to play at this level. ive been holding my own fine in games against div2+ opposition.
and that gives me the feeling that im able to do it


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:35208123 Add Friend

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Left veAre.green [6v6] shape
Joined veAre.green [6v6] shape
Left veAre.White [6v6] shape
Joined veAre.White [6v6] shape
Left DW-Polarfuchs [6v6] CeeZed
Joined DW-Polarfuchs [6v6] shape

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  1. blorg said:

    in my opinion; this guy can play div1. as he mentioned, he doesn’t have the best xp to back it up but I really feel he needs a chance to prove himself. solid game sense and aim. he’s the type of guy that will play to the level you need him to play at if you give him a few games. can’t stress enough how much potential shape has.

    My favourite german <3

    definitely needs a chance in div1, will go massive with the right people. Yes, I was the one forcing him to make this post!

    GL haans!

  2. GeaR: Epsilon said:

    Good demoman! Good caller! Nice person!
    gl :)

  3. WiLL said:

    Nice , skilled and cool. Pick him up!

  4. LinKin said:

    One of the best german demo´s i know,so pick him up !!!
    gl shape

  5. vosen: rda - Paracoccidioido said:

    I heard he can play demoman.

  6. Wlkr: ? - ¤_¤ said:

    Nice demo and a good guy. Easy div 2 imo.

  7. RazorsEdge: FLANK - trick17 said:

    This guy is full of gamesense and his aim is also good. Really nice guy, good calls and its alway fun to play with him.
    Pick him asap!

  8. sweiny: trick17 said:


  9. Despo said:


  10. electro: Got Milk? said:

    Trick17 = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bMLrA_0O5I

    LoL skillshot mastah blastah of desastah

    PS. i so fking hate boxxy

  11. IPZIE: SUAVE said:
