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Ex div 3 Swedish (American) scout looking for a div 3-5 team, all I really want is that you\\\'re incredibly active. Oh and preferably English. I take games very seriously, and hopefully so will you ^^
I\\\'m, what I\\\'d like to call, an acquired taste, like wine or whiskey or somethin\\\'. Eventually you\\\'ll grow to like me :)
\\\"I\\\'m a dick\\\" – sgN^ The Modest Mouse
\\\"sgn is one of the worst scout partners you could want, unattentive, doesn\\\'t want to improve as a team and he wont listen to stratergies\\\" – n0va
\\\"sgN\\\'s a hardly pubescent talking dick trying to pass off as an arse\\\" – Miaouss
\\\"The definition of \\\"brat\\\" , annoying , self-loving and hateful person. Hugely overrated and generally fucking awful at this game. He\\\'d be the worst player in your team , and would pull your team\\\'s moral down every time you play with him. Talks way too much , never listens and is incapable of working in a team!\\\" – n00ne
PS. What is with this recruitment \\\"forum\\\" and adding \\\"\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" \\\'s to everything when you update your post :S
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would rate him mid-, but he disagrees
meh, he’s a dick
Complete dick, love him to bits. But I’d rather eat through my great grandmothers pubic hair than recruit him, nom…
Guy never listens, has an education of somewhere in between. Is a voyeur. Likes to punch people in the face. Gets phonecalls from the Lord, and likes to drink Coca Cola. Spits venom if you piss him off enough.
Cool guy really.
With the right scout partner (Illusion) sgN` can gat carried in a high div 3-low div 2 clan. However, since he has to rely on his own skill nowadays, I would say he is a generous low+.
he sucks.
I don’t even know who he is but he sounds like a dick.
oh I see, you finally made rec post, yep he is a dick :D
btw wanna-be american
sgN is a sick scout and a loyal player. If you recruit him your stuck with him and I’ll finally be free so fuck yeah!
complete cunt
sgn is a fan fag, too bad he can’t use that anymore, ‘insert nelson laugh here’.
jokes aside he’s an awesome scout partner and you can always expect him to play at 100% and put it this way u know if the opposing team is taking a dump or not…. high+ comms…… too bad he doesn’t have aim or he’ll be sick ;p
hes good and stuff :D
goodluck captain ameriswede
shameless bump
I like him, apparently this is a minority opinion though. He will call there is no way for him not too. He will talk too much :). Also he’s clearly a dirty yank. Top half of div 3.
i would jump aboard the lolsgnsucks train but im not gay enough to think its funny.
whatupnow woo!
^ Heck it might not be the most original idea for a rec thread, but at least mine differs from everyone elses :D
He loves me….
he used to be the best scout partner I had, but lately he didnt play too much, and his aim regressed a lot.
Beetle :”With the right scout partner (Moregnan) sgN` can gat carried in a high div 3-low div 2 clan.”
-> fix’d
gl you fanfag
Really bad gaymer <3
lol Morg, I forgot :D <- have same motives as you
thanks mike! will be sending in an application right away!
He’s good. Pick up the emo kid.