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MedicScoutSoldier  Open Skill, 6v6

Scotland scrambled

Posted: | Last Online:

Could probably play at a higher level if I put my mind to it but I prioritize highlander so I can only really play Saturdays and officials and I won't take it that serious.

Only interested in playing Solly or Medic if your team has some structure to it.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:98017834 Add Friend

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  1. RTC said:


  2. Frozy said:

    “I won’t take it that serious.”

    best pick

  3. dias: ANIMA said:

    hes gut

  4. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    Not sure if redeh for open

  5. Chronos: BMS said:

    will carry in most open teams. 11:41 – ᴀмѕ | Scrambled beebees: http://etf2l.org/recruitment/215193/
    11:43 – Chronos ❤ Myth: lol
    11:43 – Chronos ❤ Myth: wot
    11:43 – Chronos ❤ Myth: open? :P
    11:43 – ᴀмѕ | Scrambled beebees: i basically want a team
    11:43 – ᴀмѕ | Scrambled beebees: that is really casual
    11:43 – ᴀмѕ | Scrambled beebees: and only play 1 scrim a week
    11:43 – ᴀмѕ | Scrambled beebees: on saturdays
    11:43 – Chronos ❤ Myth: haha
    11:43 – ᴀмѕ | Scrambled beebees: so it kinda has to be open
    11:43 – ᴀмѕ | Scrambled beebees: shud post this conv on the post
    11:44 – ᴀмѕ | Scrambled beebees: if I post it it just looks lonely
    11:44 – Chronos ❤ Myth: lol I am

  6. drew: -Xe- said:

    realy good open solly –

  7. drew: -Xe- said:

    deffintly carry ^

  8. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    both me and redwood on roamer.
    I out damage redwood both games, even though my team is getting trashed.
    First game I 2nd top frag for my team. Redwood 2nd bottom frags for his team.
    Second game I top frag for my team. Redwood bottom frags for his team.

    Is he salty because:
    I asked him to do basic soldier things when I merced scout once?
    I top fragged the next game when I wasn’t relying on him?
    I called a lot when mercing medic because there was no main caller?
    I played soldier more successfully at a higher level than him with no previous soldier highlander experience beyond lobbies?
    The team was losing and he wanted to blame it on someone like your average CS:GO Russian Silver player? (shit talking mercs ftw)
    Redwould puns?
    The way that most people on our team have a bind that’s a quote from him?
    He wasn’t good enough for a spot on The Bureau?
    All of the above?

  9. drew: -Xe- said:

    I just said you can carry 6s open team, thats it. i never cared about 6s or tried to play it..and still logs dosent show the game you know

    Is he salty because:
    I asked him to do basic soldier things when I merced scout once? no one asked you too
    I top fragged the next game when I wasn’t relying on him? good for you, gaymer.
    I called a lot when mercing medic because there was no main caller? dont forget 2 drops and spwan and play like div 9 med, again — no one ask you to maincall for us
    I played soldier more successfully at a higher level than him with no previous soldier highlander experience beyond lobbies? lose one game in gold isnt exp solly, and i only played solly lobbbies aswell
    The team was losing and he wanted to blame it on someone like your average CS:GO Russian Silver player? (shit talking mercs ftw) i only dont like you
    Redwould puns? k m8
    The way that most people on our team have a bind that’s a quote from him? k m8
    He wasn’t good enough for a spot on The Bureau? Bureau 2stronk?
    All of the above? get fucked =]

  10. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    redwood is very angry :(

  11. drew: -Xe- said:

    you mad bro?

  12. drew: -Xe- said:

    oh just want to edit that –
    I called a lot when mercing medic because there was no main caller? dont forget 2 drops and spwan and play like div 9 med, again — no one ask you to maincall for us even in the scrim before laD

  13. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    this recruitment post is a mess now :(

    I s h e s a l t y b e c a u s e

  14. Chronos: BMS said:

    of all the flavours to choose, you choose to be salty

  15. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    God knows how he plays video games when he can barely type.

  16. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    ᴀмѕ | Scrambled beebees: don’t really have anything to proove to you mate, so whatever you say
    redwood: i can tell you why
    redwood: because i`m right and you are wrong
    ᴀмѕ | Scrambled beebees: it seems that you’re very upset though :(
    redwood: checkm8
    redwood: nah
    ᴀмѕ | Scrambled beebees: oh dear, that’s a shame
    redwood: in my olld age i`m not getting upset by kids
    redwood: its just the way it is
    ᴀмѕ | Scrambled beebees: good for you :)
    redwood: thanks you !
    redwood: i just said you can carry 6s team
    redwood: why you mad
    redwood: you man bro ?
    redwood: you mad bro?
    redwood: you mad bro?
    redwood: you mad bro?
    redwood: you mad bro?
    redwood: you mad bro?

  17. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    I redwouldn’t have had to block him if it wasn’t for the chat spam :(

  18. RTC said:

    i hope this ends with someone getting sent to an australian trade server

  19. Nik: MEGA$$ said:


  20. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    TRIGGERED (̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄

  21. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    I have a talent for creating recruitment post drama :(

  22. drew: -Xe- said:

    nah, not salty i was realy fucking happy yesterday when my team decided not ever ask Cancerbled to merc for us.

    well you added me right? why? why you botherd add me after i deleted you.
    all Scramcancer wanted is to make me rage, i just beat this kid in his own game.


  23. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    :( I guess he told me

  24. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Anyway so I’m looking for a fun 6s team to play on that doesn’t play frequently, I’ll can play anything except demo and I’d like there to be some structure to the team. :)

  25. RTC said:

    redwood, you seem like a nice guy from talking to you a couple of times before. what’s your beef with scrambled?

  26. yak said:

    scrambled is good

    lol hl

  27. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:


  28. drew: -Xe- said:

    RTC its not beef, its just he isnt good as DeScarcrow

  29. Silver Tosspot: (°)> said:

    To honor my nation’s traditions, I stand neutral in this conflict and bring you this wonderful piece of poetry: You and I Are water and salt: Needing one another Separately, To live, But dying of thirst If taken together. 

  30. Silver Tosspot: (°)> said:

    fokken hell etf2l stop ripping the formatting

  31. Funs said:


  32. Funs said:

    but good

  33. Tseini: Damn! - 2MNYCHDS said:

    My popcorn doesn’t have enough salt yet,please continue

  34. scrambled: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    redwood is bad at video games.

  35. Albertt said:

    This guy is lovely.

  36. Meeto said:

    I’m HIV positive that Scrambled is HIV positive. I’m HIV positive that redwood is also HIV positive. Scrambled and redwood should just fuck and make aids already.

  37. Silver Tosspot: (°)> said:
