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ScoutSoldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Luxembourg Schalalaa

Posted: | Last Online:

Want to go Div4 as roamer, maybe scout.

About me:
-I DM a lot.(maybe even too much)
-I'm keen.
-I watch a lot of demos.
-Available almost every day of the week.
-I like hanging out in mumble.
-I've got a lot of time on my hands(if that wasn't clear by now)

-Play 4 times a week at least
-No ragers pls
-are looking to improve/move up as a team

I speak English, German, French* and Luxembourgish**

*Don't actually make me speak French, I hate that language **Don't know why this could be important

Add me on steam if you still need a token Luxembourgish dude on your team (we are pretty rare).

Edit: This friend of mine is also looking for a team as either scout or demo, would be really cool if we could join your team together. https://etf2l.org/recruitment/191570/

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:80736387 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Seagulls [6v6] kane
Left Belltower Associates [6v6] Schalalaa
Joined Belltower Associates [6v6] pablo
Left Seagulls [6v6] Clark
Left the oppressed [Highlander] Schalalaa
Joined the oppressed [Highlander] slimshady
Left IWISHIWASABALLER [Highlander] Schalalaa
Joined Seagulls [6v6] kane
Left eFukt [6v6] jx53
Joined IWISHIWASABALLER [Highlander] fonexi.a
Joined eFukt [6v6] jx53
Left Team Unofficial Dikker Fan Club [6v6] Schalalaa
Joined Luxembourg [National 6v6 Team] Netsky
Joined Team Unofficial Dikker Fan Club [6v6] ian
Left Dropped! [6v6] Schalalaa
Joined Dropped! [6v6] peQs
Left Friendly Friends [6v6] Schalalaa
Joined Friendly Friends [6v6] PornFlake

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  1. Phnx: kZk said:

    very good dm, very agressive, not always a good thing, but I think he can handle div 4:p

  2. Tim said:

    Huge dm either scout or soldier. I guess he’ll do really well in d4.

  3. Schalalaa: Seagulls said:

    ty guys.
    also bump because post edit.

  4. bub said:

    Plays dm all the time and is strong.

  5. blub: Ja! said:

    can handle div4:)


  6. blub: Ja! said:

    as roamer!

  7. Feyne: NASA said:

    we are rare but we exist. he is luxembourgish = quality gamer

  8. hro: EE said:

    good dm!

  9. Razkar: cj.com said:


  10. Schalalaa: Seagulls said:

    bump, still looking for more trials

  11. .Selo said:

    really keen guy, always see him practising in DM
    best of luck =)

  12. SaintSparkels said:

    Great guy, crazy awesome dm. Pick him up if you can.