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DemomanMedicPyro  Open Skill, Highlander

France Sarkness

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Main Medic and Py(b)ro, can play demoknight too.
Competitive experience : is not perfect but alright, played in KCL Season 1 (Eliminated Quarter finals) and few 6v6s and Highlanders in friendly matches (TF2Center)
Spent time in game : Over 850 Hours on this account, had another one from 2015-2017 but lost due to a hijack.
Flaws : Might scream, not enough movements physics, sometimes tunnel vision when attacking a high value target, might acts dumb at times when something is not going our way.
Capacities : Strategist, can easily evaluate the area, can trimp/cannonjump, knows the medic role well and can sorta aim his crossbow shots, otherwise is good at the blutsauger.

I look forward to be playing with you either in Highlanders or 6v6s!

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