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SoldierSpy  Low Skill, 6v6

Finland Santuweed

Posted: | Last Online:

I would like to join some European team 6v6 or Highlander!

I play mostly Spy, but I also like to play as solly.
I'm not like PRO but not a loser.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:51760196 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Chilled Acid [Highlander] Santuweed
Left pH - The Acid Test Experiment [6v6] Santuweed
Left pH - The Acid Test Experiment [Highlander] Santuweed
Joined pH - The Acid Test Experiment [Highlander] Santuweed
Joined pH - The Acid Test Experiment [6v6] Santuweed
Left Wood-Weed [2v2] Santuweed
Joined Wood-Weed [2v2] Santuweed
Left AimBot [1v1] Santuweed
Joined AimBot [1v1] Santuweed
Left Hurr Durr [Highlander] Santuweed
Joined Hurr Durr [Highlander] Santuweed
Left Hurr Durr [Highlander] Santuweed
Joined Hurr Durr [Highlander] Woodrow

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  1. Santuweed: pH. said:

    In 6v6 I can Solly, but in Highlander I would love to be a Spy :3

  2. Chris: (0v0) said:

    Mid is division three, you’re about low-/low at the moment (most top scorers on pubs are about low to be honest)

  3. Junde: NMH - sisu said:

    http://www.tf2.fi/?p=artikkeli&id=11 Käys tuol pelaileen ni samal opit mapit ja saat varmaa vinkkejä pelaamiseen. gl :)

  4. Junde: NMH - sisu said:

    http://www.tf2.fi/?p=artikkeli&id=11 Käys tuol pelaileen ni samal opit mapit ja saat varmaa vinkkejä pelaamiseen. gl :) jos 6v6 ni sit tonne

  5. Santuweed: pH. said:

    9v9 team already…