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DemomanEngineerHeavyPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

Finland sanktio

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking to be a backup for UGC and/or Wireplay. Don't care about div, just want a team that aims to have fun and won't drop as soon as one thing goes wrong. Probably going to play 6v6 and scrim with STPTB pretty often, but if you plan games in advance I should be free whenever I'm needed.

Could probably do ok as Scout or Heavy on a low/mid level. A bit more confident about Soldier, Demo and Engineer. Don't really play Spy, Sniper or Pyro with "serious" loadouts so can't promise to get a single kill. Can do crossbow-only Medic so in other words can't play Medic at all.

Add me to talk or if you really feel like watching cat video spam!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:65939379 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Hang Loose [6v6] Ryushi
Left International Oral Sex [6v6] sanktio
Joined International Oral Sex [6v6] Ryushi
Left SNSD eSports ATK-Gaming [6v6] sanktio
Joined SNSD eSports ATK-Gaming [6v6] Punkka
Left Balls Deep [6v6] sanktio
Joined Professional Procrastinators [Highlander] Foppish
Left Chilli Nøtter [Highlander] sanktio
Joined Chilli Nøtter [Highlander] Ryushi
Left Professional Procrastinators [Highlander] sanktio
Joined Balls Deep [6v6] Hot
Left Professional Disney Fangirls [6v6] sanktio
Joined Professional Disney Fangirls [6v6] Seal
Left Six Burgeroids [6v6] sanktio
Joined Six Burgeroids [6v6] Rageila
Left Professional Disney Fangirls [6v6] sanktio
Joined Professional Disney Fangirls [6v6] sanktio
Joined Dragon Minigun [6v6 Fun Team] sanktio
Joined Bierlieferungsvertrag [2v2] sanktio
Left Dragon Minigun [6v6 Fun Team] sanktio
Joined Dragon Minigun [6v6 Fun Team] sanktio
Left Skills To Pay The Bills [6v6] sanktio
Joined Skills To Pay The Bills [6v6] sanktio
Joined Professional Procrastinators [Highlander] sanktio

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Open 2 351
View Div 5/Div 6 6 483


  1. Baron One-Eye: KHUULIYO said:

    Sanktio too stronk with demo. Gaben why u no nerf plz

  2. Swedish Santa: 105 said:

    She can EASILY main in a div 5 team. Strong player, adapts real good to any team, keen and ambitious player!

  3. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Female Zoob.

  4. sanktio: \m/ - STDs said:

    Santa :D:D:D:Dd

  5. Marf: Strejk said:

    Underrates herself. Solid Demo and Soldier performance!

  6. Unu said:

    What Hildog said.

  7. Qnai: R6S - .awkward said:

    Great demo and nice person to talk and play with! Pick up this great finn before someone else does~

  8. CreatiVe said:

    she is nice

  9. Seal: Gaston - S-O said:

    If sanktio was shaggy then I’d be Scooby-Doo

  10. jakeowaty said:

    such amaze
    many skill
    very commend

  11. Sepu: (Kovein) - 0fo said:

    A nice player with solid performance.

  12. Reservoir dog: TC.Express said:

    Damn aggressive demo (although she might say otherwise) when we last played against each other. Basically ruined a game for me, although we won.

    Needs to trust herself a bit more.

    Good luck ;)

  13. Mr. Mustachio: Yes said:

    i added you quite some days ago because i would like to talk to you (got a team lf sub and main demo) but you did not react so i thought ill leave a massage here to show you its not a random add.

  14. Cam00 said:

    10/10 drinking skills