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EngineerSoldier  Prem/Div 1 Skill, Highlander

Portugal san alex

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a team

About me:
– LANable
– Can call in the flanks
– Can Main/sub
– Div 1 experience

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:40391205 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Portugal [National Highlander Team] wildpiggie
Joined Portugal [National Highlander Team] 31
Left Player Haters of the Year [6v6] san alex
Left Team Colonslash: Ambition [Highlander] san alex
Left Comunidade Portuguesa + 1 Argentino [6v6 Fun Team] san alex
Joined Player Haters of the Year [6v6] HBFS
Joined Comunidade Portuguesa + 1 Argentino [6v6 Fun Team] Mattcraftpt
Joined Team Colonslash: Ambition [Highlander] Flow.
Left Portugal [National Highlander Team] san alex
Left San Alex´s Circle Jerk [LAN Team] san alex
Left linguistics intensifies [2v2] san alex
Left Papa Sandji [1v1] san alex
Left Comunidade Portuguesa + 1 Argentino [6v6 Fun Team] san alex
Left nunya [6v6] kid_alt
Joined nunya [6v6] Condawg
Left Player Haters of the Year [6v6] san alex
Joined Player Haters of the Year [6v6] HBFS
Left Ayo pass the Mayo [6v6] san alex
Joined Ayo pass the Mayo [6v6] san alex
Left Comunidade Chinesa de TF2 [Highlander] san alex
Left Danger Dogs [6v6] .kr4tos
Joined Comunidade Chinesa de TF2 [Highlander] trinita
Left Danger Gummi Bears [Highlander] san alex
Joined linguistics intensifies [2v2] san alex
Left WHEREISQUARTZO [2v2] san alex
Joined Danger Dogs [6v6] .kr4tos
Joined Danger Gummi Bears [Highlander] .kr4tos
Left The Bureau [Highlander] san alex
Left Bullet!Club [6v6] san alex
Joined The Bureau [Highlander] Chronos
Left UKIP [Highlander] stephen
Joined UKIP [Highlander] yak
Left Comunidade Chinesa de TF2 [Highlander] san alex
Joined WHEREISQUARTZO [2v2] quartz
Left WHEREISQUARTZO [2v2] san alex
Joined San Alex´s Circle Jerk [LAN Team] san alex
Joined WHEREISQUARTZO [2v2] san alex
Left Team MegaShitLords [2v2] san alex
Joined Comunidade Chinesa de TF2 [Highlander] Concrete
Left its Team [Highlander] Graba
Joined its Team [Highlander] Graba
Left ResidentSleeper [Highlander] san alex
Joined ResidentSleeper [Highlander] Nik
Joined Bullet!Club [6v6] san alex
Left TEZC | ME HAGO UN SLIP CON TU CARA [6v6] san alex
Left ResidentSleeper [Highlander] Nik
Left Player Haters of the Year [6v6] san alex
Joined Team MegaShitLords [2v2] Team mate
Joined ResidentSleeper [Highlander] Fuxx
Joined Comunidade Portuguesa + 1 Argentino [6v6 Fun Team] kKaltUu
Left Alex [6v6 Fun Team] san alex
Left The Breakfast Club [Highlander] Toba
Joined Portugal [National Highlander Team] trinita
Joined Player Haters of the Year [6v6] HBFS
Left Sugoi as PuzZle! Fanboys [6v6] san alex
Joined Sugoi as PuzZle! Fanboys [6v6] quartz
Left Player Haters of the Year [6v6] san alex
Joined Alex [6v6 Fun Team] SmitZ
Left Josefa Damage INC [6v6 Fun Team] san alex
Joined The Breakfast Club [Highlander] JoeN
Left Team Team Mate [Highlander] san alex
Joined Player Haters of the Year [6v6] Team mate
Left Spawn Killers [6v6] san alex
Joined Spawn Killers [6v6] CHICHO
Left Player Haters of the Year [6v6] san alex
Left Portugal [National Highlander Team] Haunter
Joined Team Team Mate [Highlander] san alex
Left Team Team Mate [Highlander] Dois
Left Os três mosqueteiros do facebook! [2v2] Fisherman Mamadu
Joined Player Haters of the Year [6v6] san alex
Left Grow uP Gaming [6v6] san alex
Joined Grow uP Gaming [6v6] san alex
Left Trolling Bunnies RED [6v6] guld
Joined Os três mosqueteiros do facebook! [2v2] san alex
Joined Papa Sandji [1v1] san alex
Joined Josefa Damage INC [6v6 Fun Team] san alex
Left Quick-fix Enthusiast Society [6v6 Fun Team] san alex
Joined Trolling Bunnies RED [6v6] san alex
Joined Quick-fix Enthusiast Society [6v6 Fun Team] san alex
Joined Team Team Mate [Highlander] san alex
Joined Portugal [National Highlander Team] san alex
Left PTRevolution Highlander [Highlander] san alex
Left Name with no team [6v6] san alex
Joined PTRevolution Highlander [Highlander] san alex
Left Do not Disturb! Highlander Team ^^ [Highlander] san alex
Joined Name with no team [6v6] san alex
Left Evolution Virtual Cry [6v6] sky.pt
Joined Do not Disturb! Highlander Team ^^ [Highlander] san alex
Joined Evolution Virtual Cry [6v6] san alex
Left MASTERMINDS [6v6] san alex
Joined MASTERMINDS [6v6] san alex
Left Defenders of Island Chapford [6v6] san alex
Joined Defenders of Island Chapford [6v6] Torby @ Farfetch'd
Left Play For The Medal ! [Highlander] overlox
Joined Play For The Medal ! [Highlander] overlox
Left Portuguese Pro Players [Highlander] JPRAS
Joined Portuguese Pro Players [Highlander] JPRAS

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  1. Hippo said:

    Nice roamer.

  2. . said:

    Oh baby it’s triple.

    Funny guy, talkative and solid engie, fanboys me though. 8)

  3. . said:

    the best pretuguese HL player around and he’s good so I guess he can play good in your team yes

  4. Manku: Dc - Va\'Se said:

    iz gud player. will giff gud results to team if acquired.

  5. Dark Zero said:

    Good roamer and good guy.

    Worth the sign 10/10. Nice aim and good positioning.

  6. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    the best <3 gl bro

  7. Skive said:

    Top gaymer,good solly dm and sick engie i r8 88/8 pick him up now !

  8. 4hp said:

    A great guy who knows tf2 like the back of his hand. Good luck bro

  9. Popcorp said:

    gr8 m8 (o) r8 8/8

  10. The Ghost PT said:

    Everything has been said…
    Best portuguese flank player, and a gr8 guy!

  11. HBFS said:

    Gr8 b8 m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8 and congratul8.

  12. HBFS said:

    Oh and btw…


  13. Un amour de Swann: said:

    looks like cristiano ronaldo, snorts as much cocaine as cristiano ronaldo, but doesn’t make as much money as cristiano ronaldo. to change the last point, he needs a spot on a HL prem team as soldier or engi, i heard the pay in HL prem is pretty good.

    also what HBFS said.

  14. Un amour de Swann: said:

    on a more serious note: very cool guy who is fun to have in mumble. a teamplayer who adds lots of leadership to your team.

  15. CHICHO: F4oKICK said:

    Very Good player

  16. Porzun said:

    He has enough skill to play prem/ div 1 as soldier or engi. He’s a very nice guy and can play any other classes if needed.

  17. Spanns: :3 - DBLE said:

    Very polite player, he can easily play at that skill level.
    He should or I’ll 360 1shot2kill airheadshot him with a Jarate.

  18. trinita: Nave said:

    San alex is “pillar” of tf2 portuguese community, good tf2 player and nice guy.
    gg san alex

  19. Xenosake said:

    Can Build Sentries , what else?

  20. yeth said:

    awesome! ;D

  21. NightWing94 said:

    amazing player, you should not wait for him to be picked up!

  22. Yoda: TFK's 6s - PK said:

    best engie i’ve seen, can roamer, has game sense, i would bang again!

  23. foungi: 0fo - 0FO said:

    i don’t want to be mean, but i don’t think the’s ready for it based on me playing solly against him in ugc gold today. not a convincing performance, and definitely not carry enough to play prem/div1

  24. san alex said:

    Not a convicing performance? http://logs.tf/643384?highlight=76561198000656933 What do you call a convicing performance? Im in the team that lost and I still have more frags than everyone on your team and mine. Of course that as a flank class im not even supposed to carry my team, but alright its your opinion.

  25. foungi: 0fo - 0FO said:

    talked to him, chill guy. give him a shot for div2, maybe div1, i’ve only seen him in gold. not gonna post the other logs of said match :-P

  26. san alex said:
