ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroSniper  Open Skill, Highlander

England Sam Lives in Garforth

Posted by Soggy Bread: | Last Online:

We're a new team hoping to start playing next season. We're a friendly bunch looking to have a bit of fun.

We're currently looking for subs of all the classes listed above.

That means that speaking English is a must, it doesn't have to be perfect but we need to understand what you're telling us.

Add me or anyone else in the team if you're interested.

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  1. Unknown_Penguin said:

    Hello, I’m Wilson, but more know as Unknown_Penguin. I got 850 hours of tf2 on this acc. and over 1000+ on another one.

    I would like to join as Pyro sub / main

    Got comp experience and have played a couple of tf2 center matches aswell

    Got mumble, skype and time to play aswell! :)

    Contact me if you’re intrested: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198096299803/

  2. mywar4 said:

    hi i’m mywar4.

    i would like to join you’re team as pyro main but i can also play sniper a bit
    contact me if you want

  3. mywar4 said:


  4. Zack Fair: STACK said:

    Hi i am main pyro
    I would i like to be in your team
    I can do trails
    U can contact me here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/miciriteo/

  5. Zack Fair: STACK said:

    My name is Zack Fair i forgot to mention it sorry :3

  6. Michtzen: |cb| said:

    Hi, I’m main pyro, I played on Season 8 open(main pyro).I’m able to make trial for open/mid.I have like 300-400 lobbyes and like 250 hours on pyro.

  7. udoysil01 said:

    i want to start competetive, and i can play demo,engie,pyro,soildeer pretty well

  8. noobkiller300: Brony said:

    Sup im the noobkiller300 I would like to play for your team! I play best as Demo and engineer. I have mumble and Skype! my steam ID is


  9. SMM said:

    Very new as well, interested in the competitive aspect of the game. I’m a dual citizen from Switzerland & the US and can therefore speak English pretty fluently. Medic main.


  10. Chochy said:

    I play sniper and would like to join your team

  11. Chochy said:

    I play sniper and would like to join your team :)

  12. Amazing said:

    Hi , I can play any class but I don’t like soldier , I would like to join your team :) I have over 400 hours on Engi , and i got overall 1100 + hours :) let me know if i can be in it !

  13. Dennisken said:

    I hope you are still looking for a good sniper. I play very well with the huntsman but I’m also pretty decent with the normal sniper. Im 17y old and speaking English is definetlly no problem for me ;)
    Your team looked really appealing to me and I hope I can be a part of it soon.

    Add me:

  14. Amazing said:

    Hi , I’m a decent Engineer ( with 500h+) and I hope you are looking for an extremely agressive or extremely defensive Engi nest. And I can be your Engi, You can add me if you wish
    Hope to see you soon :)

  15. Magic: cc said:

    Hello, I would like to join as pyro sub/main.
    i have about 1300 hours on tf2, i like to play lobbies aswell.
    i speak english german and portuguese, use mumble and skype and have time.
    Please add me:

  16. Nudl said:


    Im a very new player (30 hours but don’t judge me). I have history playing CS:GO as an AWPer and have moved on to tf2. I main Sniper and would love to get into competitive play.

    I look forwards to hearing back from you,


    PS- for contact http://steamcommunity.com/id/NoodleOodleArt