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Demoman  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Portugal RuFFino

Posted: | Last Online:

looking for a div5 6v6 team to play demo
have experience has demo in div 5 and 6 and won d6 last season has pocket
i speak english fluently and have some experience in calling

looking for a team that takes the game seriously but can also have fun

add me if you are interested :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:78832879 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Elemental Violence [2v2] RuFFino
Left Moss Pigs [6v6] RuFFino
Joined Moss Pigs [6v6] fraac
Left CoCo [6v6] RuFFino
Joined CoCo [6v6] harbl
Left Moss Pigs [6v6] AND
Joined Moss Pigs [6v6] AND
Left Cool Cats: Green Garlic [6v6] BenBazinga
Joined Cool Cats: Green Garlic [6v6] BenBazinga
Left Cool Cats: Green Garlic [6v6] RuFFino
Left + 1 Chromosome [Highlander] RuFFino
Joined + 1 Chromosome [Highlander] ryan
Left Forgotten eSports [Highlander] RuFFino
Joined Forgotten eSports [Highlander] RuFFino
Left Funera [Highlander] RuFFino
Joined Elemental Violence [2v2] RuFFino
Joined Cool Cats: Green Garlic [6v6] RuFFino
Joined Funera [Highlander] RuFFino
Left The Evolution [6v6] RuFFino
Joined The Evolution [6v6] RuFFino

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4 4 245
View Div 5 0 242
View Div 5/Div 6 0 225


  1. ryan: lizard said:

    Amazing guy, from what I have seen a pretty insane demoman. It was a pleasure winning div 6 with him and he can easily handle div 5, he also has great calls which I’ve seen get better and better over the past 8 months. Please pick him up. GL!

  2. Yuval: MPREG - DBLE said:


  3. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:


  4. BenBazinga: Garlic.tf said:

    Pick this guy up, the only time he’ll make you sad is when he leaves :(
    Good dm, good understanding of the game, good calls, good humour, good name, good airshots etc.
    Pick him up!

  5. Lyrete: BAGC - RUN! said:

    could you add me back if you actually ignored me and it’s not steam being a retard

  6. RuFFino said:
