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Medic  Prem/Div 1 Skill, 6v6

International Quantin

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Im a pretty good medic. Healing and staying behind cover always to not die. I Know when i hear command medic i always heal enough to keep alive 3 hurt Players at once. When somebody gona stay behind cover while waiting for my healing it make's my job even more easy to do :P If you need any medic who could keep You all alive and can stay behind team Im free and always ready to take.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:144072327 Add Friend

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  1. $neaky: (ETF2L Donator) - A51 - hp said:

    Hey quantin! I’m gonna go ahead and assume you are new to competitive. Prem is the highest division you can play in, all the players there are very experience in competitive tf2 and usually have a lot of hours in tf2. It might be a good idea to start looking for a division 6 team (the lowest divison) and work your way up to division 1/prem!

  2. corben: PISTONS said:

    I was talking with him, he sais “belive me, i can hold prem”. Good luck
    Hahahaha :D

  3. Raziell: vg - Soup! said:

    Played with him in a Valve Dustbowl public server, he was medic, I was spy. Ubered me once with excellent timing (I took fall damage). Knows how to rotate heals between the two heavies we had on our team, also knows a thing or two about not walking into sticky traps.

    And he only dropped three seperate teammates, which is much better than anything I’ve ever done. Usually I drop, like, my enire team AND the enemy team!!

    Definitely has premiership potential. He has the Raziel Seal of Approval™.

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