ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Pyro  Open/Mid Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates pyrokip

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello and I am a pyro main looking to get back into competitive.
-I have been been playing TF2 for over 2 years now.
-Over 2000 hours in TF2 and 145 hours in pyro.
-I've played one other highlander game, which I was active in, but sadly others were not.
-I know the main purpose of pyro: spy checking/removing sappers, deflecting projectiles, rejecting Übers.
-Have mic/mumble and don't sound like Mickey Mouse on helium
-Live in California
-Timezone: Pacific Time

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:168121422 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Anti Bull-e Squad [Highlander] pyrokip
Joined Anti Bull-e Squad [Highlander] pyrokip
Left Anti Bull-E Squad [Highlander] pyrokip
Joined Anti Bull-E Squad [Highlander] pyrokip
Left Doge Squad 420 [Highlander] pyrokip
Joined Doge Squad 420 [Highlander] ⌁Snalz⌁
Left Mercenary Monsters [Highlander] Harm
Joined Mercenary Monsters [Highlander] Medi

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Open 0 144
View Mid 1 236


  1. rodentslayer2332: POOTISTAN said:

    Etf2l is an European league, so if you live in California it will probably be difficult for you to play in this league

  2. pyrokip said:

    I’ve actually made it to games though, while the people who were in Europe have not made it to games. 

  3. pyrokip said:

    and I have better connection to servers out of USA for some stupid reason ¯\[b]_(ツ[/b])[b]_[/b]/¯