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Hello guys,
Going to be done with all School tests and other school stuff on 12th (or possibly 15th) of December and then I can play and come back to 6v6 after long hiatus, release me from HL!
Can play any day, any amount of games n' stuff. Else just going to play Roamer in Div 4/5 if no offers :(((.
Plz no haterino, no Backstabberino, no 3+ jews in a team, thanks, I love you all.
Goodbye Guys. 8)
User Profile | SteamID: U:1:100107516Team History
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View | Div 1 | 54 | 2407 | ||
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View | Div 4 | 28 | 1228 | ||
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View | Div 2/Div 3 | 3 | 365 |
Has a nice dm and calls, always up to motivate the team. And not the same troll he is in forums(lol).
Pick him up now!
Good scout with a nice dm
insert : ayy lmao ascii
Kappa PJSalt
PJSalt and BabyRage
Keen guy , willing to improve alot also pretty funny
people needs to test this “
” map too :D its sick.
gl naab
why you heff to be mad? is only game
seems unfortunate. whenever we played hello guys their problem was the gameplan rather than specific players, and certainly not the scouts
^ ive played with them and spectated the team a couple of times
a demo can do nothing when the scout cant aim for shit and cant protect him,maybe they should dm more and then go to d3 dont you think? we are not in d5 anymore
Don’t start a war Zangetsu, Casper is a douche none or less.
douche for telling you the truth?
I told you not to start a war. And yes, telling the problems after kicking out from main spot is douchy. Every time the demo died, it was scouts’ fault, even during stalemates(greetings from casper’s calls). Anyways, your flaming isn’t helping so you should stop.
why is it so hard for you to handle the truth
c-can we please not fight we’re all friends here :3
fighting is good for the soul
We got kicked based on Enemy team and mercs opinion, the voting was 1 or 2 sided (our Demo and Medic told me they didnt take part in a vote, dont know about our roamer), instead of asking what to improve, they kick us.
I know we might not be the best in div 3, we’re certainly not Div 3 level, dont get me wrong
But they blamed Scouts for losing our match/scrims, our combo was and is a problem and our teamplay as Fraac mentioned, we did what Scouts usually do, Sorsa did better than me at being aggressive and i tried to stay more passive. We listened to our Maincaller and did what he said.
But, our Combo lacked skill, our Demo on midfights and overall was silent a lot, we didnt get enough calls who to focus, so as Scouts we had to rely on Soldiers damage callouts
Our combo positioning sucked, we got easily killed lots of times, we didnt have an advantage, our combo still stayed quite close to enemy team, resulting in combo dying a lot.
Our pocket always loved to overextend on last defenses, he died and enemy pushed
Medic kept dying and dropping because our pocket/demo couldnt check for stickies all the time.
Im NOT saying that me and Sorsa are just saint, no, ofc not, we did some mistakes here and there, but we weren’t a source of a team failure, we did our job, listened to calls, it was more of a Team play and our Combo.
tl;dr me and sorsa weren’t the best ofc, but not the worst, mostly team play and combo faults
Fun guy and seems keen. The better scout of that team. Sorry about what happened.
Someone grab my poppy and sorsa to a team, theyre cute.
Could easily do d3 with a proper team.. best of luck my russian cyka
omg they actually are trialling jaffa. jaffa and sorsa are basically the same scout. really good but not the solution
hello guys’ problem is they lack a fulcrum of attack. it’s just a flat line of 5. demo can’t do anything because soldiers aren’t creating space. casper plods around on 300 and hatake makes solitary bombs. of course the scouts are dying first in that formation – they have least health. it’s not 2012 my jew friends, get meta
It is what happens when people who got rejected to d4 teams (won’t name them) decide to create a team and go d3- get destroyed by real d3 teams and blame scouts
I like this guy.
Straight downgrade to us (double scout bottomfrag)? Kappa
You deserve better pop my friend
Woah, thanks to this rec post, i made like 5 new friends, keep em coming boys
better than corn or what was his name
29 deaths in 30 minutes.
Jews is like racism,unneeded
I like jews, especially vegetable jews
Mates mates mates. Can I have some stvs, ye?
I don’t really see the point in replacing the Scouts when it’s the team that doesn’t seem to work, even if they are the problem, replacing them with Scouts that aren’t even better won’t change a lot, if not bring new problems on top, while you could work around and fix what you have. E.g. Your demo is dying because of scouts that can’t hit shit, your demo however, knowing that i guess, still gets caught in same situation (why doesn’t he just practice dm to kill stuff? :^)) or you could have a soldier around or figure out something else that works
But yeah, just kicking like that is douchy anyway
/stillnosympathyforpopcorntho :p
it’s not like he trialed them only a few weeks ago and knew very well how they played, right?
hahahaha zangetsu ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
trying to work out if there’s anyone phoenix doesn’t have a grudge with
Give this guy a home q.q why would you just kick someone, so cruel :c
I don’t :)
Phoenix hates everyone because he is bad, don’t forget the ancienct saying “mad cuz bad”
eesti is besti :^)
srsly gif team
Is actually fun guy even though his impressions might look different in forums.
Super lovely to talk to, very strong in-game, brings great atmosphere to your team and lots of fun hours. Suitable for div3, he won’t let you down.
You deleted me tho :((((
Because your behaviour on the forums put me off and made me anxious. But I can understand on your way of defending your friend and yourself here that you’re still little pussay popcorn. I just don’t get why you make a fool of yourself – you have a great personality and serious potential, why make a bad name for yourself when you deserve so much more?
He’s not making a fool out of himself tho, he got backstabbed by jews, he can’t help it
I’m talking about acting like a massive troll on other peoples rec posts ^^
I don’t think a lot of people care about what shit people say in rec posts tbh
lol popcorp you are totally wrong there.
again with this fucking girl logic, klaudia ur worser than my gf.
“Super lovely to talk to”
“you have a great personality”
“deserve so much more”
gets deleted from friends list cuz he writes some shit on the forum
= ?????????????
dont bother to reply to me cuz it will put me off and make me anxious :-(
hahaha buddy chillax, it’s not a crime that i remove him from my friendslist, it doesn’t mean that i hate him, it doesn’t mean that i don’t want anything to do with him – it simply means that I deleted him from my friendslist :/ i meant what i said, popcorn is lovely but he has bad tendensies :0
Yes, it’s a crime.
Casper got a bad name for the Jews :/
Are you implying the Jews didn’t already have a bad name?
jews are the worst. they steal bikes 8(
Drama – the movie of the game tf2.
fraac-i dont understand how can you speak with such a big dick while youre playing in div 4,just like phoenix?
you dont want to be like phoenix,right?
i haven’t really played since i got banned, i’m more into tf2 manager. for example i wouldn’t put a team in a division it wasn’t ready for and then scapegoat the goys
@Zangetsu better to get raped in div 3 right:D?
How can Phoenix be a nazi and a Jew at the same time wtf
phoenix please stfu,you dont have the rights to talk since you are still div 5
since when div 5 people win div 3 teams? (yes talking about yours)
Kappa /
This post
He got ya there, zangetsu :)))
bets on kasdeus to be replaced by another jew
odds starting at at 1:2
Betting my steam account.
Mould: Kappa
Odds 1:1 m8
plot twist: I am jew
Bless based all-knowing tf2 god Fraac