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Scout  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Bulgaria poyzon

Posted: | Last Online:

Imma lonely scoot that was inactive for 8 months. I started using brainbot recently and got some decent aim. Im looking for a stable team with with players on that level that are up for fast improvement. I'm ragin sometimes (rage fuels a good team). I dont have much exp in higher divs but i can handle div 3 and a bit higher so far. My english is enough for clear comms. I like playing with my scoot mate. I'm 15 and im not lannable so far (sry for that). I prefer teams with british base cause of their sexy accent… Thats pretty much everything.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:48209644 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Bulgaria [National 6v6 Team] TheShadoW
Joined Bulgaria [National 6v6 Team] poyzon
Left Epsilon eSports [6v6] schocky
Joined Epsilon eSports [6v6] poyzon
Left Damage Control [6v6] Snyyppis
Joined Damage Control [6v6] poyzon
Left Promotion [6v6] poyzon
Left poison [1v1] poyzon
Joined Animal Pak eSports [6v6 Fun Team] Therium
Joined Promotion [6v6] poyzon
Left Dark Enemy 2v2 [2v2] LaMqTa
Joined Dark Enemy 2v2 [2v2] LaMqTa
Left [BOLT] and Friends [Highlander] poyzon
Left smooth criminals [6v6] poyzon
Joined smooth criminals [6v6] poyzon
Left Dark Enemy 2v2 [2v2] LaMqTa
Joined Dark Enemy 2v2 [2v2] LaMqTa
Left Fenneks eSports [6v6] poyzon
Joined Fenneks eSports [6v6] LaMqTa
Left failed box3 squad [6v6] Ramown
Joined failed box3 squad [6v6] Ramown
Joined [BOLT] and Friends [Highlander] Bombenstein
Left RTA Highlander [Highlander] poyzon
Left Fenneks eSports [6v6] LaMqTa
Joined poison [1v1] poyzon
Joined RTA Highlander [Highlander] LaMqTa
Joined Fenneks eSports [6v6] LaMqTa
Left League of Angry Gentlemen [6v6] GentlemanOfAngryLeag
Joined League of Angry Gentlemen [6v6] LaMqTa
Left Proper Stinky Gaming - Green team [6v6] poyzon
Joined Proper Stinky Gaming - Green team [6v6] SandeR
Left REVOLUTION [6v6] poyzon
Joined REVOLUTION [6v6] poyzon
Left progon [6v6] poyzon
Joined progon [6v6] poyzon
Left | INFECTED | [6v6] poyzon
Joined | INFECTED | [6v6] HULK

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem 5 440
View Prem 19 800
View Div 4 12 534
View Div 4 6 323
View Low+ 2 189


  1. Warcloud: [MC] said:

    Awesome scout. Dedicated and mature GL
    @sucks with soldier mge !!!

  2. stvv: WUL said:

    played him in the whiskas 1v1 cup was supprised how strong his dm is – should be perfectly suited in a div3 team, gl <3

  3. LaMqTa: fenneks said:

    good luck proson!

  4. BonkerS said:

    His deathmatch is great he can hold his own against scouts but he tends to ramble a bit on mumble and main call when he isnt supposed to be.
    His main issue is his comms imo he rarely calls what he see’s and takes a while to respond to requests by other team members.
    with a good scout partner with great game-sense this guy could fit into div 3. but needs a little bit of work

  5. poison said:

    im working on that stuff :D

  6. dougiie: CotC said:

    has potential, nice aim and I’m sure with a bit more comms he can handle div3 no problem. gl :)

  7. space ranger said:

    great guy, great scout!

  8. Therium: trolltech - [MC] said:

    He has the deathmatch skills, just give him a proper team and he will rock div3. Good luck!

  9. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    pretty much an all aim no brian scout.

    give him a scout partner with a brain and he’ll do good.

  10. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    pretty much an all aim no brain scout.

    give him a scout partner with a brain and he’ll do good.

  11. poison said:

    pickup aint indicator bro

  12. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:

    rapes me at mge as scout

  13. poison said:

    bumpy, stable teams are what im looking for tho ;d

  14. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    Good aim and skill, no worries about that. Also he talkes a lot, but I didnt hear a single useless word from him on comms. Use those comms into your advantage. He deserves a good scout partner ;

    gl poison ;)

  15. alien^: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    good trader :P

  16. poison said:

    nice team LOL

  17. R..: [MC] said:


  18. poison said:

    aim > brain ;dd

  19. TheShadoW: trolltech - [MC] said:

    sled okolo polovin mesec reshih da provera kvo ima v etf2.
    Poveche nqma da napravq tazi greshka

  20. Stew said:

    Shadow, as my friend lamqta likes to say :


  21. poison said:

    zavist :333333333