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Scout  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Denmark Plysse

Posted: | Last Online:

i'm looking for a high div2 team/div1.
19 years old, danish, keen, fluent english, ok aim.
i can play most nights except fridays. :]
add me if you want to play.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:310973290 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left iveR [6v6] Random
Joined iveR [6v6] Random
Left delir1um [6v6] g0R3
Joined delir1um [6v6] JakescRzyy.
Left Marijuanas in Pyjamas [2v2] Plysse
Left Someone please just end my life [6v6] Plysse
Joined Someone please just end my life [6v6] torrit
Left Foreskings [6v6] JackyLegs
Joined Foreskings [6v6] SorroW
Left Skrald eSports [6v6] Plysse
Joined Skrald eSports [6v6] Andreas
Joined iveR - Pro eSports Klen [6v6 Fun Team] SorroW
Left Auto Anime [6v6] Plysse
Left iveR - Pro eSports Klen [6v6 Fun Team] Plysse
Joined iveR - Pro eSports Klen [6v6 Fun Team] SorroW
Joined Marijuanas in Pyjamas [2v2] mrwhizz
Joined Auto Anime [6v6] mrwhizz
Left elemental violence [6v6] Plysse
Joined elemental violence [6v6] Shrike410
Left 2kal [6v6] Plysse
Joined 2kal [6v6] Plysse
Left xoxo highlander [Highlander] Andreas
Left Skrald eSports [6v6] Plysse
Joined xoxo highlander [Highlander] Plysse
Left tissekone [Highlander] Plysse
Joined tissekone [Highlander] Plysse
Joined Skrald eSports [6v6] Plysse
Left xoxo [6v6] Plysse
Joined xoxo [6v6] Plysse
Left Vertical Intrusion [6v6] Plysse
Joined Plysse [1v1] Plysse
Joined Vertical Intrusion [6v6] Plysse

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Prem/Div 1 2 220
View Prem/Div 1 6 346
View Prem/Div 1 0 237
View Div 1 9 1106
View Div 1 20 2452
View Div 2/Div 3 28 4951
View Div 3/Div 4 2 2187
View Div 4 9 22012
View Div 5 6 12067


  1. Dennia: FAINT said:

    Most consistent scout around div 2 havent seen a game he does bad :>

  2. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:

    best personality, best scout you could find in div2, can probably search for div1

  3. Battery said:

    I don’t want to be rude or anything.

    I don’t know how good you really are, but maybe you should try to play a solid season in div3 before jumping into div2? The difference is pretty huge between these two. Not like div6-5 or 5-4 or 4-3 well you get the picture:)

    Sorry to inform you, but if you played one mix with div2 people…. it doesn’t quite prove you’re div2 :x

    I might not be best example to say this, but try div3 and you’ll thank me later:)

    I hope you the very best though.

    Cheers :)

  4. Smirre: duplo said:

    His last team won div 3 this season..
    This scout has lots of potential from what ive seen.

  5. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:

    we won div3, he carried the fuck out of us, he is more than capable of div2

  6. Battery said:

    Well that just proves me being stupid:(

  7. ari: HKN! said:

    Biggest Carry EU

  8. f_blue: ist doof said:

    Outstanding scout, very noticable when you play against him. Definitely div2.

  9. Plysse said:

    thanks =)

  10. Andreas: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. - DANMARK said:

    He got the full pack get him :)

  11. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    #fuck #battery #noob

  12. MEGAMIDDIE said:


  13. Hank: FAINT said:

    pretty good

  14. profix: FLANK said:

    Absolute monster scout. Holy shit. :o

  15. Plysse said:

    bump :’}.

  16. vani: F! said:

    made half the saints rage about cheats, good luck ^^

  17. Hallow: P.O.P said:


  18. Plysse said:

    no you

  19. Haimehh: addict! said:

    good scout. really annoying to play againts him. should do well in div2 good luck

  20. Plysse said:

    hulubulu lotte hvor er du henne!

  21. Drackk:>: best - sniper said:

    the most annoying fucking scout to play against

  22. Plysse said:

    Hey smukke pige, kom ind i mujaffas BMW…

  23. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:

    a total pik slikker

  24. Plysse said:

    still searchingggggg.

  25. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    sick scout can handle div 1 definitely top 2 :) really good sick aim bit rude tho ;)

  26. omrish said:


  27. Maffi: REVERTO said:


  28. Plysse said:


  29. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:

    less rude plz?

  30. Plysse said:

    up for trials tonight, add me.

  31. mrwhizz said:

    very capable, played really well against denmark and saints last night

    10/10 would bang

  32. Plysse said:


  33. Plysse said:


  34. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:

    whats up? whats up? i just shat on your recpost dawg, whats up with that?

  35. Plysse said:


  36. EvolveR: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. - RG-eSports said:

    Is på min nydanske kammerat….div1?
    Plyssels partybus til toppen (:

  37. Plysse said:


  38. Andreas: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. - DANMARK said:

    er han sort?

  39. Plysse said:

    still looking for a team for s16, =(