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Soldier  High Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Plumb3d

Posted: | Last Online:

Im div1 roam soldier

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:22898347 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined TwistedPlay [6v6] Plumb3d
Left Team Infused [6v6] Mike
Joined Team Infused [6v6] Plumb3d
Left TwistedPlay [6v6] Plumb3d
Joined TwistedPlay [6v6] Plumb3d
Left TwistedPlay [6v6] Plumb3d
Joined TwistedPlay [6v6] Dny
Left The Postal Service [6v6] Gamb1t
Joined The Postal Service [6v6] Gamb1t
Left Coreplay [6v6] Plumb3d
Joined Coreplay [6v6] Crunchy
Left Obsidian [6v6] Plumb3d
Joined Obsidian [6v6] bulletproofsmurf
Left IRON CHEF [6v6] Plumb3d
Joined IRON CHEF [6v6] Plumb3d
Left Soviet Boxing Club [6v6] Plumb3d
Joined Soviet Boxing Club [6v6] nebb_

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View Prem 4 958
View Mid 0 130
View Low+ 3 229


  1. Mike: TEZC said:


  2. blorgalicious said:

    never played with him but when I’ve played against him he’s been solid, GL mate! :)

  3. antyy: 2ne1 said:

    i dont get the joke mike. please explain

  4. antyy: 2ne1 said:

    gl btw plumbed.

    from what i’ve heard if he works on comms could handle div2

  5. Mike: TEZC said:

    whole things a joke lol :D

  6. crzfst said:

    TwistedPlay is a very strong team which already can handle low div2 so mid/mid+ should be fine for this guy.

  7. kuma said:

    pro solly and cool guy

  8. brutallusS said:

    Twistedplay definately can’t handle low div2, wtf are you talking about. With all due respect to Twistedplay, but they are definately not div 2 as crzfst said. And I don’t know about plumbEd’s skill so I can’t tell if he overrates himself or not.

    Good luck in your search.

  9. Dny: T2P said:

    Brutallus, shut the fuck up. You know nothing at all, Twisted play are easily top div 3/bottom div 2. Plumbed is a safe guy, knows his shit and can aim like a boss. Brutallus play Twisted play and you’ll get your arse handed to you in 8 minutes, fucking Belgium cunt.

  10. randa said:

    Belgium cunt lol’d

  11. PlumbEd: Tplay said:

    And what would you know brutallus? 95% of Div3 games we search for ends up a 10min 5-0 to us, so ok

  12. brutallusS said:

    Whatever you say dny, whatever you say (:

    Just my oppinion from my experiences when we played vs. 4 of them with 2 other dudes and wun. And we’re not div 2 at all. Just judging on that really. Oh and, don’t see the point why you have to start a flamewar out of this again, what’s the point? I just made a comment, let it be.

  13. Dny: T2P said:

    you’re a cunt.

  14. PlumbEd: Tplay said:

    If we dont have a full line up we just have fun :)

  15. brutallusS said:

    Dny for president, suck eachothers cock or piss off.

  16. randa said:

    wun derp derp

  17. brutallusS said:

    Ok then sure, plumbEd, as I said I just based on what I saw. Not saying i’m right, was just my oppinion. Don’t. Fucking. Take. Everything. So. Serious.

  18. r7an: -9w- said:

    not div2 from what I’ve experienced.

  19. SoniXzR: TEZC - TEZC said:

    brutallusS and MIke with all due respect, I don’t believe I’ve ever played your teams so insted of giving it large on recruitment threads why don’t you allow people who actually have experience with TwistedPlay to formulate an opinion. If you need some experience we would gladly play you in a PCW.

    Anyhow back on topic with no flame please.

  20. brutallusS said:


  21. Adam`: DUCS said:

    don’t come into someone else’s thread and shit talk them based on a mix you dumb cunt Brutallus.

  22. Dny: T2P said:

    Sorry, i only flame cunts and baddies. qq

  23. Dezodude: pppwnd said:

    PlumbEd is easily div2, good luck in your search lad

    … Toy?

  24. r7an: -9w- said:

    Also don’t take it the wrong way mate, just don’t think you’re ready for it yet but gl. nice guy.

  25. matOo said:

    from playin against twistedplay i dont really think plumbed good play in div2, solid div3 though and a nice guy in game, gl

  26. brutallusS said:

    I am not “giving it large on recruitment threads”, i am just giving my oppinion. And i am 100% that alot of people agree with me. It’s called an O-P-P-I-N-I-O-N.

  27. Dny: T2P said:

    imo, div 2 teams should give this guy a chance, huge potential and all he does is learn, hes like a guide dog.

  28. Dny: T2P said:

    a guide dog on crack.

  29. crzfst said:

    Read it carefully, can handle low div2. I didn’t mention that they are really div2 team who can beat everyone. Low div2 is the same as top tier div3 teams. Jesus fucking christ you must be jealous because you have been mid for ages.

  30. n0va: T2P said:


  31. brutallusS said:

    Yes that’s it, i’m jealous.

  32. brutallusS said:

    Oh I forgot: “Haha, you made a funny”

  33. crzfst said:

    Hit the nail on the head.

  34. brutallusS said:

    Thanks for calling me mid btw, appreciate that.

  35. crzfst said:

    Shouldn’t be appreciated as you have been playing for roughly 2 years and are still rolling nades to do damage.

  36. they said: ;? said:

    Anderson is looking to reform vertex, should speak to him

  37. r7an: -9w- said:


  38. brutallusS said:

    Since when is using nades a bad thing?

  39. PlumbEd: Tplay said:

    this thread is fun :D

  40. Anderson: TEZC - TEZC said:

    these guys are higher than shitty div3 champions, dont bother :(

  41. lolage: TSPAG said:

    lol, brutallusS – first lightyear’s rec post now this one. unless you have something constructive to say with backed evidence – dont bother :S:S

    I remember watching these guys play on stv a while back, they all seemed to be awesome so plumbed must also be :p gl

  42. honeymustard: Phase said:

    Only ever played TwistedPlay when mercing for division 4 teams and we always had tight games.

    Also rolled them when I first got into 6v6 with some friends and they had Numlocked on demoman :P

  43. brutallusS said:

    I have something constructive to say to you: How does it feel to have a dick in your mouth?

    Oops I did it again!

  44. brutallusS said:

    lolololol I’m sorry plumbEd, I’ll stop posting here, although I find it kinda funny tho :D

    So yeah, good luck in your search plumbEd :)

  45. marouh said:

    i love him – hes awesome and one of my favourite soldiers out there (sorry moo and insanity ;) )
    love you gay faggot of gayness

  46. SirRemix: frø - DANMARK said:

    ahaha i fucking love this

  47. Aye Doc: d2f~ said:

    “It’s called an O-P-P-I-N-I-O-N.”



    don’t spell out a word if you can’t spell it…

    but yeah the vertex reform is definitely where you want to look, plumbEd

  48. Shintaz: TEZC - MONSTERFRAGGEN said:

    “I am not “giving it large on recruitment threads”, i am just giving my oppinion. And i am 100% that alot of people agree with me. It’s called an O-P-P-I-N-I-O-N.”

    yeah guys, it’s his oppinion. and if he can’t spell it’s not his F-A-U-L-L-T

    rofl i dont know whats going on here, but vali showed me this spelling and i had to call it out.

  49. Vali: -9w- said:

    Shouldn’t have left school so early Brutalluss, it’s called getting an E-D-D-U-K-A-Y-S-I-O-N

  50. brutallusS said:

    haha, true dat :D would have edited the post, but there isn’t an edit-button so I was fucked! :D

  51. Moreg: dc. said:

    wtf is going on :D

  52. Poop: TSUN~ - [PG] said:


  53. Anathema said:

    Good read.

    I am proud to be among the Belgian population of aimbotters and spelling bee champions.


  54. Pena said:

    TwistedPlay is shit and Plumbed is shit.

  55. gniedler: T4F - FuDoo :> said:

    good thread. would read again. gl plumbed, I’m sure you’re awesome!

  56. DouGie: CotC said:

    Can defo handle top3/low2, and such a nice guy aswell.

    gl :)

  57. Tobyy: TEZC - Pixie <3 said:

    Awesome solly, safe guy, known him for ages :)
    Brutallus: You beat an off class mix which involved me playing pyro, gz.

  58. PeopleZ: WWCD said:

    twisted is easily topdiv3/lowdiv2 from what I saw so far, cant say anything about Plumbed but gl with the search

  59. FainT! said:

    Great solly and awesome guy. Can easilly handle top 3 / low 2. gl :)

    LOL @ thread :D

  60. Inuy: #sadboys said:

    div2 low for sure, prolly the best aggressive soldier you can get on div2low/ a TOP div3

  61. Taimou said:

    edrama is best

    Twistedplay would be low div2 if Edd , that div7 shitcunt wasn’t there to be carried by others.
    End of story.

    Gluck in your search plumbdddddd

  62. Taimou said:

    62 posts in 19hours, you’re popular plumbed :p

    PS. I love Edd<3

  63. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    “Just my oppinion from my experiences when we played vs. 4 of them with 2 other dudes”
    shows just how much you know about tf2. sigh

  64. Jude!: notdoggo said:

    div2? wtf are you guys on about, div3 at best. :|

  65. caneD: MEAT - LEGO said:

    this makes me remember why i lurk recruitment threads

    It’s called an O-P-P-I-N-I-O-N

  66. PlumbEd: Tplay said:

    Its always funny when people you havnt played with/against in months think they know it all.

    Thanks to the people that actually talk sense (crzfst, anty)

  67. Vazzan: TwistedPlay. said:

    why only bottom div1? I reckon you could easily be mid/top div1

  68. Moreg: dc. said:

    div1+++++, or even a higher, separated divison, just for him, like, div0

  69. T-Mac: DA! said:

    i’ve already played vs you and i hope you were playing offclass
    and i hope your team was playing offclass too when i played vs your mates

  70. PlumbEd: Tplay said:

    ofc, im a terrible scout :p

  71. FainT! said:

    nice observation skills there mac :D

  72. woody said:

    css player as med =D

  73. woody said:

    sick solly btw

  74. kuma said:

    did you mean to spell royality as royalty? div 5 in tf2 as well as spelling

  75. n0va: T2P said:

    dan best scout in UK

  76. kuma said:

    lmao even better on your website http://www.royality-esports.org/

    “evolve yourselve”

  77. Jude!: notdoggo said:

    this is one successful troll

  78. TeleBear: k^m said:

    “Also rolled them when I first got into 6v6 with some friends and they had Numlocked on demoman :P”


  79. T-Mac: DA! said:

    who are you kuma ?

  80. Poxie said:

    high + ^2

  81. kuma said:

    plumbed’s friend. who are you? another div 5 random who thinks hes mid?

  82. Dny: T2P said:

    this man loves his Licorice Whip

  83. minimoose said:

    TPlay are A-W-S-U-M.

    These guys have improved very quickly, so i’m pretty sure their players will be sitting comfortably in div 2

  84. Moreg: dc. said:

    you mean div1

  85. r7an: -9w- said:

    Kuma, T-Mac is actually a good player, so no need to be like that =]

  86. kuma said:

    sorry, it was unlike me :(

  87. rAye.: Vuze. - T. said:

    cool whip.

  88. 7alfa said:

    Good luck mate!

  89. Fraa: LG said:

    high skill are only div1 players top/mid. You are all saying he can play in div2. I dont know you plumbed but you overrated yourself. Put mid+ or something

  90. crzfst said:


  91. Chris: (0v0) said:

    trolled HARD.

  92. Moreg: dc. said:


  93. xzr said:

    I only wish the scene was as full of mid+ soldiers as these recruitment forums claim


  94. CommanderX: (ETF2L Donator) - TEZC said:

    Must be pro to have this many comments

  95. Jones said:

    Just for the record, High skill =/= low div2 since I last checked. LoL thread btw, people take this stuff so seriously. At least the skill police were quick to arrive at the scene of the crime.

  96. Poop: TSUN~ - [PG] said:

    r7an: i’m thinking of a possible new lineup if i can get them together: blorg med, randa demo, dny walker + me scouts, mike + plumbed sollies

  97. r7an: -9w- said:

    go kill yourself poop

  98. PlumbEd: Tplay said:

    Actually it was mid+ like every other recruitment thread but a majority started being retarded so i thought i’d join in

  99. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    Jones is so mad look what you’ve done.

  100. stvv: WUL said:

    Derrrr, hellow, uhuh.. oww pointy.

    Solid soldier, gl